22 February 2018

Sustainable projects in Ghana and South Africa for 20 million Danish kroner

Sustainable projects

Three researchers from IGN and their project partners have received DKK 20 million from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the so-called FFU projects (Research Committee), which are based on cooperation between Danish research institutions and institutions in the priority countries.

Mobility-constraints due to climatic conditions have a number of consequences, including reducing access to work places, markets and services.

Professor Niels Fold has received DKK 5 mill. to a project in to the Socio-economic Benefits of Ecological Infrastructure. The overall objective is to develop an integrated framework for strengthening water-related Ecological Infrastructure (EI). The project will combine livelihoods and value chain analysis with the EI-approach to water management and hydroclimatic modelling at optimum spatial resolution.

The inter- and transdisciplinary approach pursues integration and scaling up across The Berg-Breede and Greater uMngeni catchments in South Africa, and both catchments have a water supply system with deteriorating water quality and no further options for engineered or built (‘hard’) infrastructure (BI). The combined approach will investigate how people might benefit from a strengthened and cost-effective water supply system realised through an rehabilitation of EI with income creating co-benefits.

Professor Karsten Høgh Jensen has received DKK 5 mill. to the project Enhancing Sustainable Groundwater Use in South Africa. The project involves hydrogeological field investigations, hydrological modeling, citizen science and development of integrated groundwater management options for present and future climate conditions for the Hout catchment in the North-Eastern part of South Africa. GEUS is also partner in the project. The funding includes a two year postdoc position at IGN.

Associate Professor Lasse Møller-Jensen and participants from Section for Geography has received DKK 9.8 mill. over a 5 year period to support research and capacity building within the field of urban mobility and accessibility in partnership with University Of Ghana and CSIR, Accra. The project Climate Change Resilience in Urban Mobility is expected to provide an understanding of the links between climate change, flooding of transport infrastructure and reduced acces¬sibility to jobs, education, markets etc. as well as the impact of these mobility constraints on the livelihoods of urban residents.

The project will provide training and supervision to enhance research capacity in the field. It will develop new methods for analyzing and mapping flood vulnerability and urban accessibility, and provide new policy and planning measures to advance the sustainable urban development agenda.

More information about the project

About the FFU projects

The projects are based on cooperation between Danish research institutions and institutions in the priority countries. The projects can be run by Danish research institutions (north driven) or by research institutions in the priority countries (south-driven). The projects are assessed by a Research Committee, which selects the projects for financing. The projects typically have a duration of five years and a budget of up to DKK 10 mill.

Find more information on : http://drp.dfcentre.com/