A reindeer footprint in a drilling core from the Allerød-Bølling age succession of Lille Slotseng basin, south-eastern Jylland, Denmark

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearch


  • Nanna Noe-Nygaard
  • Jesper Milàn
  • Mikkel Ulfeldt Hede
A Subfossil reindeer track was localised in a drilled core from the Late Glacial
Slotseng lacustrine basin, located in the south eastern part of Jylland near the town of Jels. It
was dated to 11,795 ±80 14C yr BP or around 13,780 cal yr BP. During an earlier excavation
of the site four skeletons of reindeer were recovered from the early Bølling succession dated
to 14.200 cal yr BP. The Slotseng lacustrine basin is a kettle hole basin and almost circular
with a diameter of 23 m. The over all transgressive late Glacial and regressive Holocene lake
sediment succession covers the time period from 16,000 to around 8,000 cal yr BP years. The
basin sedimentation starts with old melt water deposits just below the Bølling Interstadial (GI
1-e), followed by older Dryas (GI 1-d), Allerød, (GI 1-c, 1-b, 1-a) and Younger Dryas (GS 1)
which terminates the Late Glacial succession. Preboreal algal gyttja and near shore woody
peat from the Boreal and onset of the Atlantic Time, cover the basin. Hitherto, no convincing
tracks have been recognized and described from drill cores. The reindeer track from the
Slotseng Basin is the first convincing track recognized from a drill core section.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2005
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2005

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