Move the Neighbourhood
[Bevæg byen med børn]

The practice based research project Move the Neighbourhood explores methods of co-designing public space with children to examine how collaborative approaches can contribute to the development of better integrated playful public spaces. Through practical experimentations the project examines how different types of co-design methods work, what the potentials are for the architectural outcomes and what the strategic impact on the local development can be.

NEW: Download final report presenting findings of the project (In Danish)


In spring 2017 we collaborated with 40 5th grade children from Ellebjerg public school to develop and build urban installations for the site “Pios Plæne”.  The project was an integrated part of the school teaching, putting creative idea development and negotiations about public space on the learning agenda. Co-design methods included mapping, collaging, model making, 1:1 prototyping and site visits and resulted in the design of a series of hybrid installations – a hammock structure, a boxing pavilion, a piano and a tower. Construction took place as a collaboration between children, designers/researchers, the Byggeselskabet Maj and the Sydhavnen integrated urban renewal. See the video about the process.


In fall 2017 Move the Neighbourhood co-designed and build five playable figures in the green spaces of the cultural house Karens Minde. This took place in collaboration with children from the adjacent after-school club Rubinen. The aim was to develop installations that could inspire play and interaction with a ball or with the body. The figures were designed and built on site with the children in collaboration with Byggeselskabet Maj and the Sydhavnen integrated urban renewal office. The process started in 2016 with a pilot to test methods and raise local awareness. See the video about the pilot

Move the Neighbourhood was nominated for the Architectural Association price Lille Arne 2018.


Bevæg byen – med børn

Bettina LammAnne Wagner og Laura Winge, 2020, In: Bevæg byen – med børn, unge og seniorer, Activity and health- enhancing Physical Environments Network (APEN), René Kural og Kamilla Nørtoft (eds.), Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi/Københavns Universitet/Syddansk Universitet, p. 27-39.

Bevæg byen! Co-design og byrumseksperimenter som redskab til udvikling af byens rum

Bettina LammAnne Margrethe Wagner & Laura Winge, September 2020, In: Gentænk Byen, G. Jørgensen, L. Winther, E.H. Jensen, M. Nørgaard, K.S. Møller & S. Folvig (eds.). Dansk Byplanlaboratorium, p. 107-110.

Making the red dot on the map: bringing children’s perspectives to the city planning agenda through visible co-design actions in public spaces

Laura Winge & Bettina Lamm, 2019, In: Cities & Health. 3, 1-2, p. 99-110.

Move the Neighbourhood with children: Learning by co-designing urban environments

Anne Margrethe WagnerBettina Lamm & Laura Winge, 2019, In: Charette. 5, 2, p. 131-144.

Playful impact? Co-design as spatial discourse

Anne Margrethe Wagner, Laura Winge & Bettina Lamm, 2018, In: Impact by Designing: Proceedings of the 3rd ARENA annual conference, 6th-7th April 2017, KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint Lucas, Brussels. J. Verbeke, M. Vreeswijk, T. Zupancic, R. Cavallo, M. Fraser & G. Wurzer (eds.). Brussels: KU Leuven, Science, Engineering & Technology, p. 133-142.

Move the Neighbourhood with children: Learning by co-designing active urban environments. [Case Study]

Anne Margrethe WagnerBettina Lamm & Laura Winge, 2017, Architecture Connects: AEE Conference Proceedings 2017. Oxford, 3 p.

Move the neighborhood: Study design of a community-based participatory public open space intervention in a Danish deprived neighbourhood to promote active living

C.S. Pawlowski, Laura Winge, S. Carroll, T.B. Schmidt, Anne Margrethe WagnerKamilla Pernille Johansen NørtoftBettina Lamm, R. Kural, J. Schipperijn & J. Troelsen, 2017, In: B M C Public Health. 17, 10 p., 481.


Move the Neighbourhood is part of the APEN research collaboration between University of Copenhagen (KU), School of Architecture (KADK) and University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Move the Neighbourhood is supported by the Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities, the Tryg Foundation and Sydhavnen integrated urban renewal.


Pios plæne - video

Mange børn på legeplads

Karens minde - video

Børn på legeplads - billede fra videoen Karens minde

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