Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine european peatlands and shrublands: responses to climatic and environmental changes

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In this study, we compare annual fluxes of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and soil respiratory carbon dioxide
(CO2) measured at nine European peatlands (n = 4) and
shrublands (n = 5). The sites range from northern Sweden
to Spain, covering a span in mean annual air temperature
from 0 to 16 C, and in annual precipitation from 300 to
1300mmyr-1. The effects of climate change, including temperature
increase and prolonged drought, were tested at five
shrubland sites. At one peatland site, the long-term (>30 yr)
effect of drainage was assessed, while increased nitrogen deposition
was investigated at three peatland sites.
The shrublands were generally sinks for atmospheric CH4,
whereas the peatlands were CH4 sources, with fluxes ranging from -519 to +6890 mgCH4-Cm-2 yr-1 across the studied
ecosystems. At the peatland sites, annual CH4 emission
increased with mean annual air temperature, while
a negative relationship was found between net CH4 uptake
and the soil carbon stock at the shrubland sites. Annual
N2O fluxes were generally small ranging from -14
to 42 mgN2O-Nm-2 yr-1. Highest N2O emission occurred
at the sites that had highest nitrate (NO-
3 ) concentration
in the soil water. Furthermore, experimentally increased
3 deposition led to increased N2O efflux, whereas prolonged
drought and long-term drainage reduced the N2O efflux.
Soil CO2 emissions in control plots ranged from 310
to 732 gCO2-Cm-2 yr-1. Drought and long-term drainage generally reduced the soil CO2 efflux, except at a hydric
shrubland where drought tended to increase soil respiration.
In terms of fractional importance of each greenhouse gas
to the total numerical global warming response, the change in
CO2 efflux dominated the response in all treatments (ranging
71–96 %), except for NO-
3 addition where 89% was due to
change in CH4 emissions. Thus, in European peatlands and
shrublands the effect on global warming induced by the investigated
anthropogenic disturbances will be dominated by
variations in soil CO2 fluxes.
Udgave nummer10
Sider (fra-til)3739-3755
Antal sider17
StatusUdgivet - 2012

ID: 44538597