Late Palaeolithic Nørre Lyngby - a northern outpost close to the west coast of Europe

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Anders Fischer
  • Clemmensen, Lars B
  • Randolph Donahue
  • Jan Heinemeier
  • Holger Lykke-Andersen
  • Per Lysdahl
  • Morten Fischer Mortensen
  • Jesper Olsen
  • Peter Vang Petersen
Freshwater deposits exposed in a coastal cliff at Nørre Lyngby, NW Denmark, have yielded some of the
northernmost traces of human presence in Western Europe during the Late Glacial. A rib from a reindeer bearing a cut mark has been dated to the climatically mild Allerød period. A robust projectile point of flint and an axe of reindeer antler, bearing zigzag ornamentation, are potentially of the same age. Wear marks indicate their use as a projectile tip and an axe, respectively. Botanical and faunal remains from the lake sediments indicate a colder climate and a significantly less treecovered landscape than that seen at coeval sites further to the southeast in Denmark. The Nørre Lyngby locality is within a day’s walk of the contemporary coast and a considerable number of Bromme culture activity sites and stray finds of tanged flint points of Bromme type (“Lyngby points”) in the surrounding landscape suggest a significant human presence in the coastal zone of NW Europe at that time
Translated title of the contributionNørre Lyngby in spätpaläolithischer Zeit – ein nördlicher Außenposten nahe der Westküste Europas
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)137-162
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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ID: 98975659