6 September 2013

Apply for funding to Sermilik Station or Arctic Station

The INTERACT project under EU FP7

has a Transnational Access program that offers access to Sermilik Station and Arctic Station, among others.

Transnational Access includes:

  • Free access for user groups/users to research facilities and field sites, including support for travel and logistic costs
  • Free access to information and data in the public domain held at the infrastructures

The call for proposals is open at the INTERACT website http://www.eu-interact.org/ on 1st August – 30th September 2013 for access visits taking place between Oct 2013 and Oct 2014.

Transnational Access is available to user groups, where the group leader and majority of group members work in an institution established in a EU Member State or Associated State. The maximum amount of access per user group is 90 person-days, including previously granted INTERACT Transnational Access. You can find the eligibility rules and application instructions, stations available in the call, descriptions of stations and their facilities, and registration to the on-line application system from the INTERACT website.

For additional information, please visit the INTERACT website.
This will be the last INTERACT Transnational Access call for the current funding period. Act now to seize the opportunity, and apply INTERACT Transnational Access to conduct research at the coolest places of the North!