Anne Gravsholt Busck

Anne Gravsholt Busck


My research addresses planning processes, policy analysis and governance regimes - primarily in a Danish, European and Scandinavian context. My current thematic focus in this respect is on human adaptation to climate change, temporary urban activities, and urbanisation processes in peri-urban areas. Here I study visions, policies and regulation at local, national and international scale, relationships between planning system, citizens and other actors, and how the planning system and practices within influence and is influenced by the practice of the actors involved.


  • Human adaptation to climate change - processes and actors
  • Planning processes in rural and urban contexts
  • Cultural landscapes - development, challenges and regulation

Selected publications

  1. Published

    Hvad skaber rurale succeser og hvor langt rækker brandet? Eksemplificeret ved Torup landsby i Halsnæs kommune

    Jepsen, Martin Rudbeck & Busck, Anne Gravsholt, 2019, Frederiksberg: Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet. 26 p. (IGN Rapport).

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

  2. Published

    Misfits and compliance patterns in the transposition and implementation of the Habitats Directive—four cases

    Frederiksen, P., van der Sluis, T., Vadineanu, A., Terkenli, T. S., Gaube, V., Busck, Anne Gravsholt, Vesterager, J. P., Geamana, N., Schistou, D. E. & Pedroli, B., 2017, In: Land Use Policy. 62, p. 337-350 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

ID: 8040