Geochemistry and Mineral Resources
In addition, the interface to material science is also of interest and a part of research is directed towards the mineral-related materials used in industry.
The research is heavily focused on geochemical and mineralogical analytical work, in laboratories based at IGN (Microprobe, XRD, TIMS, ICPMS) and also carried out in collaboration with laboratories and facilities hosted by external international partners. The group also contributes a broad range of petrological, mineralogical and geochemical courses in the Department, ranging from introductory level to advanced Master’s levels courses.
Future student projects
- Are there no komatiites in Greenland? KS
- Petrology of gabbroic intrusions in East Greenland. KS
- Investigation of ore deposits in Greenland. KS
- Orbicules in komatiites: how hot and wet are the hottest lavas on Earth? PW
- Ca contents in chromite: do exsolved diopsides imply ultra-high pressure metamorphism? PW
- Can chromite trace element compositions identify their host rock types? (3 projects available) PW
- Chromite trace element variations in lavas
- Chromite trace element variations in layered intrusions
- Chromite trace element variations in mantle samples
- Martian Meteorite NWA6963: a volcanic feeder, magma chamber, or giant lava flow? PW
- The mantle lithosphere beneath Scandinavia: evidence from Central Skåne Volcanic Province xenoliths. PW
- Detrital chromite from the western Superior Craton - implications for continental crustal growth. PW
- The Garner Lake Intrusive Complex - a ~2.9 Ga gabbro-pegmatite bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusion. PW
- ~3 Ga Komatiites of the Rice Lake Belt, ancient, ultra-hot lavas? PW
- Geothermobarometery of Southern Greenland metasedimentary gneisses TW
- Petrography and mineral chemistry of xenoliths in Bornholm Granites TW
- Magma Chamber Simulator modelling of Ruapehu Volcano New Zealand TW
- Trace element chemistry of zircon TW & PW
- Zircon provenance of the Nexsø sandstone, Bornholm TW
Or come by our offices and talk to us about your ideas
Previous student projects
Katrin Adalbjörg Alfredsdottir Mineralogical and petrological descriptions of xenoliths from Midfell. Supervised by Tod Waight and Maja Bar Rasmussen
Philip Hedenborg Petrological analyses of the Hohonu dike Swarm in New Zealands Western Province. Supervised by Tod Waight
Patricia Emilie Eriksen and Sarah Wille Sligting Stannius Petrologisk og geokemisk undersøgelse af lyse og mørke andesitiske striber i Cabo de Gata Volcanic Zone, Spanien. Supervised by Tod Waight
Sebastian S. Lodal A petrological investigation of metamorphic rocks from South Greenland and assessing the time and temperature of peak metamorphism of the Ketilidian orogen. Supervised by Tod Waight and Sampriti Basak.
Tue Leffland Lundtorp Clinopyroxene cores in amphiboles of Rønne and Mægård granites. Supervised by Tod Waight
Ida M. Clausen Indsamling af strukturgeologiske data fra skråbilleder vha. fotogrammetri fra Hudsonland, Nordøst Grønland. Supervised by Tod Waight.
Benjamin Linnebjerg A petrographic study of Ni-sulphide mineralization in the Maniitsoq region of SW Greenland. Supervised by Kristoffer Szilas and Pedro Waterton
Jonathan J. S. Runge Geochemistry of mafic intrusions in central Spitsbergen: The petrology, geochemistry and isotope geochemical influence of the sedimentary host rock on the intrusions. Supervised by Tod Waight
Emil Soltau Provenance analysis and U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircon in lower Paleozoic Franklinian Basin North Greenland – implications for the Caledonian Orogeny. Supervised by Tod Waight
Martin Larsen Eoarchean ultramafic rocks from South of Isua Supracrustal Belt: Indicators for cumulate petrogenesis. Supervised by Kristoffer Szilas and Pedro Waterton
Louise Kjære Knudsen The Julianehåb Igneous Complex, a petrographic study coupled with electron microprobe analysis of amphiboles. Supervised by Tod Waight
Nima Hajir Azad Petrographic and geochemical characterization of layered mafic intrusion from the Nissedal Complex, South Norway - Investigating relict pyroxene to suggest original melt composition. Supervised by Tod Waight
Krestine Hofstedt Rasmussen High temperature stability of stone wool fibres and the influence of ferric iron. Supervised by Tod Waight
Martin Larsen Eoarchean ultramafic rocks from South of Isua Supracrustal Belt: Indicators for cumulate petrogenesis. Supervised by Kristoffer Szilas and Pedro Waterton
William Hyde Petrogenesis of the Maniitsoq norite belt, SW Greenland. Supervised by Kristoffer Szilas and Pedro Waterton
Marie Katrine Traun Explosive silicic volcanism in the Loicas Trough, Southern Andes. Supervised by Tod Waight, Nina Søager, Pedro Waterton
Rikke Vestergaard Making and shaping South Greenland: Assessing crustal growth and evolution of the Ketilidian Orogen through the lens of U-Pb-O-Hf isotopes in zircon. Supervised by Tod Waight
Anouk Borst REE mineralogy in the Ilimaussaq Intrusion, Greenland. Supervisors: Tod Waight (IGN), Troels Nielsen (GEUS), Henrik Friis (University of Oslo)
Robin-Marie Bell Gold mineralization in the Nanulak region, S Greenland. Supervisors: Tod Waight (IGN), Jochen Kolb (GEUS).
Quinten van der Meer Investigating sources of magmatism during the change from subduction to extension in Cretaceous New Zealand. Supervisor: Tod Waight (IGN)
Research Projects
- 2023–2028: The chromite record of mafic crustal growth, Pedro Waterton PI (funded by the EU through an ERC starting grant)
- 2023–2026: Why did Earth’s first ultra-high-pressure subduction precede global tectonic stagnation and the “Boring Billion”?, Kristoffer Szilas PI (funded by the Villum Foundation through a Young Investigator Plus grant)
- 2023–2026: Potential for long-term CO2 storage through enhanced weathering of Ca-silicate minerals and materials, Maja Bar Rasmussen PI (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark through a Green Transition Theme grant)
- 2022–2025: Bioproductivity and water colomn redox - linking cadmium and chromium isotopes in marine sedimentary archives to reconstruct climate change, Robert Frei PI (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark through a Research Project 2 grant)
- 2021–2025: Reassessing the existence of plate tectonics on the early Earth, Kristoffer Szilas PI (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark through a Sapere Aude grant)
- 2021–2024: Enhanced weathering and carbonation of olivine, Kristoffer Szilas PI (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark through a Green Transition Theme grant)
- 2020–2024: Assessing the periodicity and mechanisms of continental crustal growth (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark through a Research Project 2 grant)
- 2018–2023: A partial cumulate origin of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle?, Kristoffer Szilas PI (funded by the Villum Foundation through a Young Investigator grant)
- 2019–2022: The Oldest Rocks on Earth, Kristoffer Szilas PI (funded by the Carlsberg Foundation through a Distinguished Fellowship)
- 2018–2021: Evaluation of cadmium isotopes as tracers of marine bioproductivity Robert Frei PI (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark through a Research Project 1 grant)
- 1st year BSc Planet Earth:
- 1st year BSc Mineralogy:
- 1st year BSc Quantitative Problem in Geosciences:
- 2nd year BSc Volcanoes, Magmas and their Geochemistry:
- 2nd year BSc Geological maps and Structures:
- 3rd year BSc High Temperature Isotope Geochemistry and Geochronology:
- MSc Mineral Resources:
- MSc Early Earth - Formation and History:
- MSc Field and methods course:
Members of the Research Group
Name | Title | Phone | |
Search in Name | Search in Title | Search in Phone | |
Benjamin Linnebjerg | PhD Fellow | +4535324510 | |
Benjamin Chaim Fievé Eskesen | PhD Fellow | +4535337655 | |
Cara Alice Mallon | PhD Fellow | +4535334804 | |
Emil Makovicky | Professor Emeritus | +4535322432 | |
Emil Akseli Koskinen Tonboe | PhD Fellow | +4535324873 | |
John C Bailey | Associate Professor Emeritus | +4535322411 | |
Kristoffer Szilas | Associate Professor - Promotion Programme | +4535326547 | |
Maja Bar Rasmussen | Postdoc | +4535328887 | |
Paul Martin Holm | Associate Professor Emeritus | +4535322426 | |
Pedro Waterton | Assistant Professor - Tenure Track | +4535326223 | |
Robert Frei | Professor | +4535322450 | |
Samantha Renee Walker | Research Assistant | +4535336037 | |
Sampriti Basak | Postdoc | +4535322272 | |
Shreya Mukherjee | Postdoc | +4535324342 | |
Tod Waight | Professor | +4535322482 | |
Tonci Balic Zunic | Associate Professor Emeritus | +4535322337 |
Head of Research Group
Pedro Waterton
Assistant Professor
Phone: +45 35326223
Mobile: +45 50296053
Associated laboratories
Electron microprobe laboratory
Radiogenic and non-traditional isotopes geochemistry laboratory
The Sleeping Giant
Natural Resource Management
University of Copenhagen
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C