Marina Bergen Jensen

Marina Bergen Jensen


  • Landscape Architecture, Planning and Design

    Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

    Phone: +4535331790Mobile: +4527244447

Member of:

Marina Bergen Jensen, Professor in Design and Construction of Urban Landscapes Adapted to Climate Change. PhD 2000, University of Copenhagen. My main interest is to invent and document nature-based solutions for climate adaptation, environmental protection, and biodiversity support of cities. Examples include: i) the patented dual porosity filtration technology for treatment of stormwater runoff, which is currently developed further for treatment of greywater and flue gas condensate, ii) methods to enhance infiltration of stormwater runoff in clayey sediments, iii) landscape design for combined stormwater management and biodiversity support, referred to as bio-SUDS, and iv) the green climate-screen as an evapotranspiration based stand-alone solution for management of roof top runoff. Additional interests concern the wider aspects of integration and implementation of nature-based solutions in the urban context, e.g. mapping of challenges and development of efficient methods for collaboration and innovation, urban planning and decision-making, testing of solutions and knowledge sharing. I am responsible for the masters’ courses ‘Urban Ecosystems - structures, functions and design’ at KU, and ‘Urban Water Management’ at SDC, and the training for professionals ‘Klimatilpasning ved hjælp af Grønne Teknologier’. Currently I supervise or co-supervise 11 PhD-students. 

ID: 4226705