Conference for researchers and practitioners: Co-creating Landscape Change in the Green Transition Cover image

Cover image

The conference ‘Co-creating Landscape Change in the Green Transition’ invites researchers and practitioners working with landscape change, collaborative processes and rural transformation to Copenhagen 24-25 February 2025.

Global ecological crises demand new ways of living in and managing landscapes. This opens new opportunities for future land-use, but changes may also spark contestations – at local, national and broader regional level. These contestations call for renewed debates on rural transformation to address socio-ecological problems through inclusive and collaborative processes.

The conference ‘Co-creating Landscape Change in the Green Transition’ invites researchers and practitioners working with landscape change, collaborative processes and rural transformation to Copenhagen 24-25 February 2025. Bearing the subtitle ‘Storytelling, multispecies contestations and collaborative governance’, the conference aims to analyse contemporary rural dynamics and explore collaborative and imaginative approaches for paving ways forward for landscape making.

At the conference we are looking forwards to experience two formidable keynote speakers:

  • Caterina Scaramelli, Senior lecturer, Boston University: The Place That Sinks When Stepped on: on Reimagining Wetlands and Agricultural Landscapes in Turkey and Beyond.
  • Judith Westerink, Senior Scientist, Wageningen University and Research – (WUR): Transformative change: From agri-environmental measures to social-ecological networks.

Within the overall theme of collaborative landscape co-creation, the conference explores three sub-topics with the following presenters:

    Storytelling landscape change

    • Catalina Ortiz (UCL), Nina Toudal Jessen (UCPH), Kathrine Dalsgaard (UCPH/Danish Nature Agency) and Rasmus Hansen (Randers Municipality).

    Rural contestations and multispecies conflicts

    • Esther Peeren (University of Amsterdam), Rasmus Ejrnæs (AU), Sara Iversen (AU) and Jørgen Bidstrup (Danish Nature Agency).

    Collaboration, democracy and multi-level governance

    • Maggie Roe (Newcastle University), Lone S. Kristensen (UCPH), Laura Tolnov Clausen (University of Adger/DTU), Hans Peter Hansen (AU), Jørgen Primdahl (UCPH) and Jørgen Jørgensen (Viborg Municipality)

    In addition, the conference will feature presentations by Minister Jeppe Bruus (Social Democrats), Katherine Richardson (UCPH), Stine Krøijer (University of Copenhagen) and Nathalia Brichet (UCPH), - as well as a roundtable discussion between Sigrid Friis (MEP, Danish Social Liberal Party), Thyge Nygaard (The Danish Society for Nature Conservation), Mikael Stranbygaard (Danish Agriculture & Food Council), Michael Kjerkegaard (Organic Denmark), and Signe Skjoldborg Brieghel (UCPH), moderated by Marie Sæhl (Dagbladet Information).

    Programme overview

    Day 1

    12.00              Lunch

    13.00 –           Welcome speeches, keynote speaker, parallel
    17.30              workshop sessions, exhibition

    18.30              Conference dinner

    Day 2

    08.00 –           Keynote speaker, parallel workshop sessions, exhibition
    13.00              roundtable debate

    12.30              Lunch

    See programme overview here.

    The conference will be held in English.

    Register here:
    Deadline for registration is 24 January 2025.

    Registration fee: The standard fee for participation is 625 DKK (incl. VAT) and includes dinner and lunches.

    Reduced fee: If you are not affiliated with any organisation, or in other ways not able to cover the full participation fee, we have a limited amount of reduced fee seats (100 DKK, incl. VAT). Please contact us on if you wish to make use of this option.

    If you are publicly employed in Denmark you can pay by EAN.

    Accommodation: Participants are to organise their own accommodation. CPH Hotel is located adjacent to the venue and is on the Danish public procurement agreement (SKI-aftalen).

    The conference is organized by the interdisciplinary and collaborative research project Storytelling Landscape Change, where landscape planners and anthropologists from University of Copenhagen collaborate with Danish public sector nature and landscape managers to explore new ways of co-creating the landscape.

