DRYTIP – Drought-Induced Tipping Points in Ecosystem Functioning

Lassen Volcano National Park, California (USA). 12 month after the Reading fire. Photo Grégoire Dubois

Pressures on terrestrial ecosystems are ever growing. Large-scale vegetation die-offs, biodiversity loss and loss in ecosystem services are resulting from unsustainable land use, climate change and extreme events, which, based on projections, will increase in the near future.

The impact of these on the global biosphere is still unknown since major knowledge gaps remain concerning the coping capacities of terrestrial ecosystems to extreme events.

DRYTIP aims at breaking new ground in relation to assessing and understanding extreme cases of vegetation instability by investigating a global set of historical drought-induced vegetation die-offs through coupled insights from vegetation modelling, Earth Observation and ecosystem science.

Funded by:

Villum Young Investigator

Grant: Young Investigator, No 37465
Period:  2021-2026


Project coordinator
Stéphanie Horion
Associate Professor



First name Surname Title Phone E-mail
Claus Beier Professor +4535334233 E-mail
Stéphanie Horion Associate Professor +4535325878 E-mail
Wim Verbruggen Postdoc E-mail
Yan Cheng Research Assistant +4535322350 E-mail