Danish Wadden Sea platform
The Wadden Sea platform stretches from Skallingen in the north to the Danish-German border in the south. It is the largest coherent nature area in Denmark and the only major tidal area with extensive saltmarshes.
It hosts high biodiversity and constitutes an important breeding area for several species of birds. The populations of breeding birds have been monitored since 1996 as part of the TMAP programme in the international Wadden Sea. Within eLTER, the Danish Wadden Sea will be more closely linked to the International Wadden Sea group and standardize the measurements of common parameters accordingly e.g. monitoring of changes in texture, extreme high tides, ‘breeding success’, pressures from invasive species (predators), which is related to understand the drivers behind the observed dramatic changes in population sizes, and recreation.
Thomas Bregnballe, Seniorforsker
Institut for Ecoscience, Aarhus Universitet
Phone +45 8715 9017
Mobile phone +45 4020 3228
Persons involved
- Thomas Bregnballe, AU
- Kevin Kuhlmann Clausen, AU
- Thomas Eske Holm, AU