HOBE - the Danish hydrological observatory (UCPH)

The HOBE experimental catchment was established in 2007 in a catchment in the western part of Denmark representing hydrological conditions in a temperate climate with groundwater dominated streamflow. In the catchment an experimental infrastructure has been established where measurements, experiments and modeling have been carried out over a range of spatial and temporal scales.
The primary research question has been water balance closure at different scales, which has been addressed using improved measurement and modeling methods. In addition, an array of research questions related to processes in the individual hydrological compartments have been addressed as well as the feedback mechanisms between them. Four local sites are established in the catchment where detailed monitoring is carried out.
Status on infrastructure
The HOBE infrastructure provides historical data from 2007, which are freely available via various data platforms. After the completion of the HOBE project in 2019 data on meteorology, energy fluxes, greenhouse gasses and soil moisture are collected by ICOS and are also freely available.