Map over the Long-Term Field Trials

Information about where in Denmark the trials are located and what they include can be found in the map over Long-Term Field Trials at IGN.

Information about where in Denmark the trials are located and what they include can be found in the map over Long-Term Field Trials at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN).

The map covers information about where in Denmark the field trials are located and what they include. You can search by trial name, district, forest, tree species, age, and status. The map can be used by forest owners, forest managers, collaborators, students, researchers, and others who have an interest in forests. Please note, the map is in Danish.

You can also select an area on the map and, with a click, refine the search to associate it with the selected area. Left-clicking on an experiment displays a variety of information, including the contact person at IGN for the given trial. If you would like the coordinates of a field-trial, to use for your own map system, you can reach out to the contact person - preferably by mail. 

Long-term Field TrialsFor a detailed description, click on the dot in the "Long-term Field Trials" box and hit "I" at the top of the page.

A big thank you to Godfred Birkedal Hartmann's Family and Research Foundation (, who financially supported the project.

Long tradition of establishing and running long-term field trials

Experiment DØ, Oreby, Storskov with 107-year-old Turkish beech and H. C. Kromann (Photo BJ)
Experiment DØ, Oreby, Storskov with 107-year-old Turkish beech and H. C. Kromann (Photo BJ)

The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN) has a long tradition of establishing and conducting long-term field trials. These field-trials are a very important source of knowledge and the basis for a wide range of research projects as well as teaching and dissemination to practitioners and students and contribute to research-based government consultancy.

The trials are linked to the Section for Forest, Nature and Biomass and constitute a unique research infrastructure both in terms of the specific experimental areas and in terms of the data, which is often collected over long periods. In addition, the field trials provide data and knowledge for many interrelated projects.

Today, about 450 trials exist. They include about 150 thinning, spacing, and other forest management trials as well as hundreds of provenance trials used for forestry and ornamental greenery as well as clone and progeny trials.

There are also trials related to biodiversity, forestry systems, nutrient cycle, ecosystems, climate manipulation, etc. Several of the experiments are part of national and international networks with similar trials such as AnaEE, LTER and Noltfox.


Bruno Bilde Jørgensen
Senior Consultant

Phone: +45 35 33 16 94
Mobile: +45 21 20 69 71

Engineering reports

If you are looking for additional information about a trial, for example detailed map sketches, description of trees and treatments, then you can find the various reports from the establishment of the experiments in UCPH's publication database  under “Anlægsrapporter”. ( In Danish only )