REAS – Reducing Emissions from Agricultural Soils

Controlling greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils constitutes the single largest reduction potential for greenhouse gas emission in Denmark.

Emissions derive from two main sources: Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from poorly drained, yet still cultivated and fertilized fields, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from drained organic wetlands. Changed land management to stop these emissions will help mitigate climate change and holds the potential to increase biodiversity, provide new recreational and/or conservation areas, and reduce nutrient loads to the aquatic environment. Yet, change occurs slowly, hampered by a combination of natural, economic, and social processes and historical perceptions of the soils, their use, and their cultural contexts. Further, changing the management of these soils could also carry adverse effects as increased phosphorus leaching, waterlogging of neighboring fields, and increased N2O emissions in rewetted areas.

REAS is an interdisciplinary research network, spanning the Faculties of Humanities, Social Science, and Science, which aims to identify systemic barriers to re-wetting, propose research to overcome the barriers, and device applicable action points for policy-makers to reduce Danish greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils and improve the accuracy of national emission inventories. The main aim of the network is to identify sustainable solutions to decrease GHG emissions from agricultural soils while controlling adverse effects and optimizing co-benefits of changed land management.


Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Busck, Anne Gravsholt Professor +4535322564 E-mail
Fritzbøger, Bo Associate Professor +4551299759 E-mail
Elberling, Bo Professor +4535322520 E-mail
Müller, Carsten W. Associate Professor +4535334125 E-mail
Hansen, Hans Chr. Bruun Professor +4535332418 E-mail
Bruun, Hans Henrik Professor +4535321211 E-mail
Hougaard, Inge-Merete Postdoc +4535322344 E-mail
Jensen, Lars Stoumann Professor +4535333470 E-mail
Jepsen, Martin Rudbeck Associate Professor +4535322465 E-mail
Ambus, Per Lennart Professor +4535336626 E-mail
Bruun, Sander Professor +4535333481 E-mail
Krøijer, Stine Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535321581 E-mail
Jessen, Søren Associate Professor +4535322478 E-mail
Kristensen, Søren Bech Pilgaard Associate Professor +4535322523 E-mail
Bruun, Thilde Bech Associate Professor +4535333412 E-mail

Funded by:

Reducing Emissions from Agricultural Soils has received a 2 year funding from UCPH 2023 Strategical funds

Project: REAS – Reducing Emissions from Agricultural Soils
Period: 01/09 2021 – 01/09 2023


Martin Rudbeck Jepsen
Associate Professor
Phone: +4535322465

The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

Name Title Phone E-mail
Simon Stisen Research Professor +45 91333633 E-mail