Rural-Urban Transformation (RUT)

Governance, Mobility, and Economic Dynamics, in Emerging Urban Centres for Poverty Reduction















Domestic practices for accessing water and rural-urban transformations: example of emerging urban centres in Tanzania Kironyi, L. L., Makindara, J. & Birch-Thomsen, T., 2023, I: International Journal of Water Resources Development. 39, 5, s. 869-894


Agergaard, J., Kirkegaard, S., & Birch-Thomsen, T. (2021). Between Village and Town: Small-Town Urbanism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sustainability, 13(3):1417.

Proceedings of the Policy Workshop Exploring the Governance Environment of Rural-Urban Transformation in Tanzania: Held on 03rd & 04th June 2021 at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Edward Moringe Campus, Morogoro, Tanzania. Lazaro, E. (red.), Makindara, J. (red.) & Birch-Thomsen, T. (red.), 2021, RUT Secretariat. 61 s.


Lazaro, E., Agergaard, J., Larsen, M. N., Makindara, J., & Birch-Thomsen, T. (2019). Urbanisation in Rural Regions: The Emergence of Urban Centres in Tanzania. European Journal of Development Research (EJDR), 31(1):72-94.

Bridging the rural-urban dichotomy in land use science van Vliet, J., Birch-Thomsen, T., Gallardo, M., Hemerijckx, L-M., Hersperger, A. M., Li, M., Tumwesigye, S., Twongyirwe, D. & van Rompaey, A., 6 nov. 2020, I: Journal of Land Use Science. 15, 5, s. 585-591 9 s.


Rural Transformation and the Emergence of Urban Centres in Tanzania/ Lazaro, E., Agergaard, J., Larsen, M.N., Makindara, J. & Birch-Thomsen / Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (IGN Report / Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, October 2017)

Tacoli, C. and J. Agergaard. 2017. Urbanisation, rural transformations and food systems: the role of small towns. London: IIED.













Funded by:

The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, through Danida, and is a second phase South-Driven Development Research ProjectThus the RUT project builds on insights and results from the earlier South-Driven Pilot research project ‘Rural-Urban Complementarities for the Reduction of Poverty’

Rural-Urban Transformation (RUT)

Project manager
Torben Birch-Thomsen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
Phone: +45 3532 2570, E-mail:

From  2015 to 2021