WP3: Planning and governance

Objective and tasks

The WP will identify the opportunities or “open doors” and possible existing barriers, from an institutional framework and decision-making point of view, for the adoption and implementation of inclusive landscape based stormwater management and its incoorperation in urban planning for the two cities.

The tasks are:

  1. At city level to investigate and outline the institutional set-up and governance of stormwater management, flood risks and green area management, the linkages between them and how they are integrated into urban planning
  2. At community level (in pilot sites) to explore the web of institutional tenure arrangements, their capacity and modalities for operation relevant in the management of the urban landscape and stormwater and floods and their linkages with higher levels of governance and urban planning.
  3. To design and facilitate a stakeholder process surrounding the research-by-design activities taking place in the pilot sites
  4. To identify main challenges and barriers from an institutional and decision making point of view on the implementation of landscape based stormwater management and its integration into urban planning.

Methods and scope

The institutional analysis will work both at city and community level and will use document studies, interviews and participatory research methods such as community forum, community mapping and focus groups as main methods. Inspiration for designing the institutional and governance analysis comes eg. from the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) Framework – tested in urban governance of public resources/goods and services (Ostrom 1990; 1996; 2009) possibly in combination with asset-adaptation framework of analysis (Moser and Satterthwaite 2010) and political interaction frameworks (Harris 2002). At city level drawing up the institutional framework, the institutions and actors involved in the management of storm water, flood risks and green areas will be identified, the coordination and linkages between them assessed and the levels of governance and the power relations there of. The community level takes a point of departure in the local coping strategies (identified in WP2) in the case site to flood risk and the green area use (WP1) and explores the institutional set-up relevant locally, tenure arrangement and access and the linkages with the higher levels of governance and the larger institutional framework identified above. The specific analyses will serve as input for the development of strategies for landscape based stormwater management and its incorporation in urban planning and the design and facilitation of the user driven stakeholder process surrounding the design workshop in the case site and for the strategy making