Troels Aagaard

Troels Aagaard

Professor emeritus

Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning
Københavns Universitet
Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 København K
Telefon: 3532 2511 (direkte)
3532 2500 (omstilling)
Fax: 3532 2501

Personlige data og uddannelse
1989 Okt.1986-Sep
1989 Kandidatstipendium ved Geografisk Institut. Licentiatstudier. Afhandlingens titel: Infragravity waves and nearshore bars. Antaget Juni
Jan.1990-Dec.1991Seniorstipendium ved Geografisk Institut, KU. Projekttitel: Stormprocesser og kystens morfodynamik. Finansieret af SNF.
Projektarbejde: Grådyb-undersøgelserne for Esbjerg Havn.
Jan.1993-jan.1994Genoptagelse af seniorstipendium ved Geografisk Institut, KU.
Konsulentarbejde for DHI vedrørende effekterne af oprensning af Fanø Lo.

Apr.1988-Jul.1988 Forskningsophold ved Coastal Studies Unit, Dep.of Geography, University of Sydney. Finansieret at Forskerakademiet.
Okt.1989-Dec.1989 Undervisningsassistent I Geostatistik ved Geografisk Institut, KU.
Projektarbejde for Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, Miljøministeriet. Projekttitel: Sandsugning og det fysiske miljø.
Maj 1991-Aug.1991 Postdoctoral NATO-Fellowship; Scarborough College Coastal Research Group, University of Toronto.
Jan.1992-Dec.1992 International Postdoctoral Fellowship; Scarborough College Coastal Research Group, University of Toronto. Finansieret af Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Forskning vedr. Sedimenttransport på kysten. Supervisor: Professor Brian Greenwood.
Feb.1994-jan.1996 Amanuensis ved Geografisk Institut, KU. Undervisning I dynamisk geomorfologi og kystmorfologi.
Jan. 1996 Lektor i Naturgeografi ved Geografisk Institut, KU.
Jan.2001-Juni 2001 Visiting scholar, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waikato (NZ)
Juni 2001-Juli 2001 Visiting scholar, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney.
Februar 2003 Tildelt den naturvidenskabelige doktorgrad ved Københavns Universitet. Afhandlingens titel: Beach Morphodynamics: two Danish case-studies. Officielle opponenter: Professor David Huntley, Institute of Marine Studies, University of Plymouth og Professor Andrew Short, Department of Geography, University of Sydney.

Stipendier og priser 

1993-1994        Geografisk Institut, Københavns Universitet: Postdoctoral fellowship, funded af Det Naturvidenskabelige Forskningsråd. 

1993                Modtaget Niels Nielsen prisen af Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab

1992                International Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada. Støttet af Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada. 

1991                International Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada. Støttet af NATO.


Forfatter/medfrofatter på 112 publikationer:

70 peer-reviewed journals (42 as first author) og 26 proceedings papers, 7 bøger eller bogkapitler og 9 øvrige publikationer.

Web of Science: 65 publications, 1333 citations, h = 21

Google Scholar: 2858 citations, h = 29


Overordnet forskningsfelt: Kystmorfologi. Hovedtemaer: Dynamisk kystmorfologi, Kystprocesser og sediment transport; kystnær hydrodynamik og oceanografi. Havspejlsændringer og kystens respons, Kystudvikli9ng; kyster og klima; tropiske kyster. 

Feltarbejde og deltagelse i større feltprojekter (ialt 19) på kyster i Danmark, Australien, Canada, New Zealand, Ghana og Holland. 


Projektleder (og PI) umed mindre andet er anført

1994-1996: “Morphodynamics of Storm-surge Shorelines- MOSS”.  Total budget 1.03 mill. DKK. Funded by the Danish Natural Sciences Research Council (DNSRC). Participants: U. Copenhagen, U.Toronto and U. Guelph.

1998-2001: “Sediment Transport and Morphological Development in a barrier-lagoon system”. Total budget 2.45 mill. DKK; share 33%. Funded by DNSRC. Co-PI and WP-leader.  

2000-2005: “Coasts and tidal inlets - processes, morphology and modelling”. Project headed and coordinated by the Danish Technical University (Rolf Deigaard). Project duration 2000-2005. Total sum allocated to the Institute of Geography: 1.96 mill. DKK. Funded by the Danish Technical Sciences Research Council.  Co-PI and WP-leader.

2001: Travel grant funded by the DNSRC. Six-month research visit to the University of Waikato, NZ and the University of Sydney, AUS.

2002-2004: ”Sediment fluxes in a barrier-spit system: response to changing environmental conditions”.. Total budget: 0.9 mill DKK; share 39%. Funded by the DNSRC. Co-PI and WP-leader.

2002-2005: “CoastView - Video monitoring of littoral processes in support of coastal-zone management”.. Project headed and coordinated by the University of Plymouth with 12 European universities and organisations comprising 32 individuals involved. Total budget for the Institute of Geography: 196,000 Euro. Funded by the European Commission (FP5 project, contract no EVK3-CT-2001-00054). Co-PI 

2004:  “Sediment transport and large-scale profile evolution on accreting and eroding beaches”. Instrument grant funded by the DNSRC (0.3 mill DKK).

2005: ”Dynamics of prograding beaches: Sediment transport, morphodynamics and sediment budgets” PI and project coordinator. Funded by DNSRC.   

2006-2008: Morphodynamics of accreting beaches: Sediment transport and sediment budgets”. Total amount: 0.8 mill. DKK, funded by DNSRC. Participants: U.Copenhagen, U.Toronto, U. Sydney.

2010-2013: “Sediment Supply to Beaches: Sea level Rise and Coastal Evolution (S-STOB)”.  Amount: 1.33 mio DKK, funded by DNSRC. Participants: U.Copenhagen, U.Toronto, U.Sydney, U.Queensland.  

2015-2019 “Surf zone turbulence and sand Transport (TASTI)”. Total amount 2.6 mio DKK. Funded by DFF-FNU. Participants: U.Copenhagen, U.Utrecht, U Wollongong, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. .

2017-2018 “Storm impacts on coastal and shallow-marine environments”. Co-PI and WP-leader. Funded by the Velux-foundation.

2018-2019 “Sanddynamikkens betydning I kystområder”. Co-PI and WP-leader. Funded by the Velux foundation


Leder af felteksperimenter på Skallingen, Danmark (1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010), Stængehus, Denmark (1998), Egmond, Holland (2002), Vejers Strand, Danmark (2006, 2007, 2016), Pearl Beach, NSW, Australien (2011), Fanø, Denmark (2012) og Durras Beach, NSW, Australia (2017).



Naturlandskabet (1. års niveau).

Kystprocesser og -morfologi (kursusansvarlig, bachelor-niveau)

Naturgeografisk Feltkursus (kursusansvarlig; 1. års niveau).

Field and methods courses Ghana (kursusansvarlig 2015 & 2018; masters-level kursus)

Coastal Geoscience (kursusansvarlig; masters-level kursus)

Numerical Modelling in Fluvial and Coastal Environments (kursusansvarlig; masters-level course).



2017                Organisator, International Conference on Coastal Dynamics 2017, Helsingør, Danmark. .

1997-               Session chair på følgende konferencer: Coastal Dynamics 1997, 2005, 2013, 2017; Coastal Sediments 1999, 2003, 2007; International Coastal Symposium 2000, 2011; International Coastal Engineering Conference 1998


2017              Solicited speaker, European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria

2004              Keynote speaker, 6th Int. Conference on Tidal Sedimentology; Copenhagen, Denmark. 



2013-2018      Medlem af Forskningsrådet for Natur og Univers (FNU)

2018              PhD bedømmelseskomite,  Department of Geography, Univ.of Utrecht, The Netherlands (Joost Brinkkemper).

2014:            PhD bedømmelseskomite (formand), IGN, KU (Lasse Sander).

2014             PhD bedømmelseskomite (formand), IGN, KU (Alina Kabuth).

2008              Bedømmelseskomite (formand) lektorat, IGN, KU, Denmark,

2008              PhD bedømmelseskomite, Department of Geography, Univ.Plymouth, UK (Daniel Buscombe)

2006              PhD bedømmelseskomite, School of Geosciences, Univ.Sydney, Australia (Felicia Weir)

2004              PhD bedømmelseskomite, Dept Geography, Univ Loughborough, UK (Aafke Tonk)

2000              PhD bedømmelseskomite, School Mathematical & Physical Sciences, James Cook Univ, Australia

1998              PhD bedømmelseskomite, Department of Geography, Univ.of Utrecht, The Netherlands (Gerben Ruessink).


Scientific journals

2017-2018       Guest Editor, Ocean Dynamics

1998 –              Editorial Board, Marine Geology

1992 – 1998     Editorial Board, Journal of Coastal Research

1992 –              Bedømmer for flg journals: Science, Marine Geology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Science Reviews, Geomorphology, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Journal of Coastal Research, Continental Shelf Research, Coastal Engineering, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Harbour Engineering (ASCE), Progress in Physical Geography, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Earth Surface Dynamics (EGU).

Bedømmelse af forskningsansøgninger for:

NSF – National Science Foundation, ARC – Australian Research Council, 

 NWO – Netherlands Research Council, ALW - Netherlands Council Earth and Life Sciences, FONDECYT – Research Council of Chile, Marsden Foundation, New Zealand


2013-2018       Steering committee member, Commission on Coastal Systems, International Geographical Union.

2006 –             Medlem af forskningsnetværket “DANCORE” (Danish Coastal Research) and dets forgænger “ENCORA


Prof. Gerben Ruessink, Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, The Netherlands. Turbulence and sediment transport in the surf zone.

Dr Michael Hughes, Department of Geosciences, University of Wollongong, Australia. Turbulence and sediment transport in the surf zone.

Prof Edward J Anthony, CEREGE Aix-Marseille University, France. Sand supply to beaches.

Dr Verner B Ernstsen, GEUS, Denmark. Sediment dynamics and biodiversity,

Dr Michael Olesen, Rambøll, Denmark. Sediment dynamics and biodiversity,


2015-     Bidrag til TRAP Danmark 

2014-     Medlem af ad hoc komiteen for forvaltningen af Sjællands Nordkyst i et klimaperspektiv 

2013      Kursus i projektledelse for forskere Module 1 (ved KU).

2010      PUMA-kursus i PhD-vejledning (ved KU)

2005-2007 Forskergruppeleder for ‘Coastal, Estuarine and Marine Research’ (CEM) ved Geografisk Institut, KU 

2004      Visiting Scholar, School of Geosciences, Queen’s University of Belfast, U.K.

2001      Visiting Scholar, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Visiting scholar, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Australia

2003-2019: Hostfor flg internationale forskere: Remco Belonje, Erasmus-student Univ.Utrecht (2019), Joost Brinkkemper, PhD student, Univ.Utrecht (2016), Dr Florin Tatui, postdoc, Univ. Bucharest (2015), Hannah Power, PhD student, Univ. Brisbane (2010), Dr Michael Hughes, Univ.Sydney (2006), Gary Galbraith, PhD student, Queens Univ., Belfast (2005), Prof. Brian Greenwood, Univ.Toronto (2005), Prof. Patrick Hesp, Massey University, New Zealand (2003). 




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