15 August 2021

Survey succesfully completed

The planned WP-A household mobility survey was conducted in July-August 2021 by a team of 10 persons. The collected survey data include information on 1053 households and 2104 individuals. The data include detailed information regarding the main respondents’ (n=1053) mobility patterns and livelihood activities, their assessments of local transport infrastructure and their experiences with impacts heavy precipitation events and flooding. Further, the data include additional information on mobility patterns and livelihood activities of other adult members of households (n=1051).

The households were randomly sampled from 10 selected neighborhoods clustered around the four Climaccess case locations in the periphery of Accra. The neighborhood selection and questionnaire development was informed by the preliminary fieldwork conducted in 2019, which included extensive field observations of the physical environments and interviews with local key informants (n=75), including municipal planning officers, assembly members, traditional authorities, local residents’ associations and local branches of transport unions. The selected neighborhoods differ with regard to degree of consolidation, level of accessibility, geo-physical characteristics and socio-economic profile of residents. The delineation of neighborhoods sought to ensure homogeneity within areas in terms of the timing and characteristics of housing developments and the overall level of accessibility provided by the transport system. 

Descriptive statistics for each variable in the survey can be found in this report.
