Bioresource Chemistry and Technology

Increased utilisation of biomass in our society is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change













  • HØSTTEK - Development of Protein-Lignin Glues for use in Wood composite  (GUDP, 2021-2024). Contact: Anand Ramesh Sanadi,, or Julian Christ
  • Grand Fir for construction wood (STARK Fonden, 2021 – 2023, Martha & Paul Kerrn-Jespersens Fond, 2021 – 2023). Contact: Emil Engelund Thybring,
  • Natural durability of wood (GBHF, 2023-2026). Contact: Emil Engelund Thybring,
  • Influence of amount, location and state of water on fungal degradation of wood (FORMAS, 2023-2025). Contact: Emil Engelund Thybring, or Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen,
  • CLEO – A carbon-neutral fuel for the maritime sector (Energistyrelsen EUDP, 2020 – 2023). Contact: Yohanna Cabrera Orozco,
  • FASTWOOD - Genomic selection for superior heartwood formation in two commercial timber species: teak (Tectona grandis) and European oak (Quercus robur). Contact: Yohanna Cabrera Orozco, or Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen,
  • Cleaning waste with waste: using bio-based industrial sidestreams to remove micro- and nanoplastic from water bodies (VILLUM FONDEN, 2022-2024). Contact: Demi Tristan Djajadi,
  • ReMAPP - Ressource Efficient Microalgae Protein Production (The Innovation Foundation, 2018-2023). Contact: Sune Tjalfe Thomsen,
  • VIGOT - Green agenda within the vocational training of carpenters (NNF, 2023-2026). Contact: Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen,
  • Heartwood formation in oak (Gluds legat, 2023-2024). Contact: Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen,
  • Oak – an important species in future forests (GBHF, 2023-2026). Contact: Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen,
  • Advanced composite materials from recycled wood (MPKG, GBHF, Aase og Ejnar Danielsens fond). Contact: Anand R. Sanadi,, Emil Engelund Thybring, or Julian Christ,
  • IEA Bioenergy, Task 39 - Commercializing Conventional and Advanced Transport Biofuels from Biomass and Other Renewable Feedstocks (Energistyrelsen (EUDP), 2022-2024). Contact: Sune Tjalfe Thomsen,
  • Kan dansk bøgetræ blive til motorvejsbroer og grønt brændstof? (EMD and GBHF foundations 2022-2023), Contact: Emil Engelund Thybring, or Sune Tjalfe Thomsen,


  • Biorefinery – From Plants to Bioenergy, Biochemicals, Biomaterials, and High Value Products
  • Energy Systems and Climate Mitigation
  • Tree biology and arboriculture
  • Plant-based Materials: Structure and Performance from Nano to Macro Scale


The research group Bioresource Chemistry and Technology  collaborate with Danish and International players from both academia and industry - all leaders in their field of expertise.

Collaboration (active within the last 5 years or so, i.e. 2018->)

  • A.P. Møller Maersk
  • Aalborg University, Department of the Built Environment, Denmark

Danish Technological Institute

  • DTU (Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering)
  • DTU (DTU National Food Institute)
  • DTU (Technical University of Denmark), Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

  • ETH Zürich, Institute of Building Materials
  • Federal University of Lavras, wood science, Brazil
  • Hamlet Protein
  • INRAe Nantes, Biopolymers Interactions and Assemblies, France
  • Kebony
  • Lund University, Division of Building Materials, Sweden
  • MAN Diesel & Turbo
  • Månson
  • Nature Energy
  • Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
  • Roskilde University
  • Sani Membrane
  • Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology EMPA


  • The National Museum of Denmark
  • The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation
  • U.S.D.A Forest Products Laboratory, U.S.A
  • University of Southern Denmark, Mads Clausen Institute, Denmark
  • Wood Treatment Technology, Denmark


  • IEA Bioenergy Task 39 – Commercializing Liquid Biofuels
  • IEA Bioenergy Task 42 – Biorefinery
  • ISPS - International Society for Plant Spectroscopy
  • Partnerskabet for bæredygtig bioraffinering
  • Q-net – Quantitative wood anatomy network
  • WSE - The Northern European Network in Wood Materials Science and Engineering











Members of the Research Group

Name Title Phone E-mail
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Anand Ramesh Sanadi Associate Professor +4535336520 E-mail
Andrea Ponzecchi PhD Fellow +4535331329 E-mail
Anne Blicher Laboratory Technician +4535328028 E-mail
Britta Skov Laboratory Coordinator +4535331696 E-mail
Emil Engelund Thybring Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535334433 E-mail
Julian Christ Postdoc +4535329754 E-mail
Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen Professor +4535331733 E-mail
Maja Katharina Fjalland Industrial PhD   E-mail
Maria Rita Meyer Ferraz da Costa Enrolled PhD Student   E-mail
Sune Tjalfe Thomsen Associate Professor +4535336262 E-mail
Tor Ivan Simonsen Research Assistant +4535336349 E-mail

Head of Research Group

Lisbeth Garbrecht Thygesen
+45 35 33 17 33