Phosphorus doped cyanobacterial biochar catalyzes efficient persulfate oxidation of the antibiotic norfloxacin

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In this study, cyanobacterial biochars (CBs) enriched/doped with non-metallic elements were prepared by pyrolysis of biomass amended with different N, S, and P containing compounds. Their catalytic reactivity was tested for persulfate oxidation of the antibiotic norfloxacin (NOR). N and S doping failed to improve CB catalytic reactivity, while P doping increased reactivity 5 times compared with un-doped biochar. Biochars produced with organic phosphorus dopants showed the highest reactivity. Post-acid-washing improved catalytic reactivity. In particular, 950 ℃ acid-washed triphenyl-phosphate doped CB showed the largest degradation rate and reached 79% NOR mineralization in 2 h. Main attributes for P-doped CBs high reactivity were large specific surface areas (up to 655 m2/g), high adsorption, high C-P-O content, graphitic P and non-radical degradation pathway (electron transfer). This study demonstrates a new way to reuse waste biomass by producing efficient P-doped metal-free biochars and presents a basic framework for designing carbon-based catalysts for organic pollutant degradation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number129785
JournalBioresource Technology
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)

    Research areas

  • Antibiotic, Degradation kinetics, Environmental catalysis, EPR, Phosphorus doping

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ID: 369343406