Forest tree growth is linked to mycorrhizal fungal composition and function across Europe

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  • Mark A. Anthony
  • Thomas W. Crowther
  • Sietse Van Der Linde
  • Laura M. Suz
  • Martin I. Bidartondo
  • Filipa Cox
  • Marcus Schaub
  • Pasi Rautio
  • Marco Ferretti
  • Bruno De Vos
  • Mike Dettwiler
  • Nadine Eickenscheidt
  • Andreas Schmitz
  • Henning Meesenburg
  • Henning Andreae
  • Frank Jacob
  • Hans-peter Dietrich
  • Peter Waldner
  • Arthur Gessler
  • Beat Frey
  • Oliver Schramm
  • Pim Van Den Bulk
  • Arjan Hensen
  • Colin Averill
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe ISME Journal
Pages (from-to)1327–1336
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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ID: 289967116