Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis Group

The research group of Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis is doing research on climate, hydrology and soil in terrestrial ecosystems.
Field experiment with snow fence in Blæsedalen, Disko (Greenland).
Photo: Charlotte Sigsgaard.

The research group conducts research that mainly focuses on:

  • Quantitative measurements and improved understanding of physical, geochemical and biological processes in terrestrial ecosystems.
  • Processes studied at site specific scales are scaled up to ecosystem scale and used for predictions in order to assess environmental impacts.
  • Research is based on both field measurements, laboratory experiments and modelling.






Future student projects

Potential master projects
Inspiration catalogue

Or come by our offices and talk to us about your ideas

Major research projects

  • Land-CRAFT – Center for Landscape Research in Sustainable Agricultural Futures
  • KlimaKalk - Improved inventories of liming effects on net greenhouse gas emissions and nitrate leaching
  • Global Wetland Center (Novo Nordisk Foundation)
  • Contra - Catchment Oxygen and Nitrate Isotope Tracer Analysis (Geocenter Denmark
  • Emission of geologic C by agricultural nitrate leaching – an overlooked CO2 source in terrestrial ecosystems? (Geocenter Denmark)
  • N2O Hotspots - Limiting N2O emission from hot spots in Danish agricultural soils (Independent Research Fund Denmark)
  • Rootmix - Mixed cultivar systems to mitigate drought effects on Nordic crop production (Novo Nordisk Foundation)
  • CENPERM: Center for Permafrost (Danish National Research Foundation)
  • Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring: Geobasis programmes in Nuuk and Disko (Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate)
  • SPADE Soil analytical database
  • Glacial rock flour (Geocenter Denmark)
  • Malstroem and Arc-Malstroem: Stormwater screening method (ESRI)
  • Storm surge screening (ESRI)
  • CLIMACCESS: Climate change resilience in urban mobility (DANIDA, Denmark’s Development Cooperation)
  • Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS): research infrastructure for measurement of greenhouse gas exchange
  • UAS Ability: Research infrastructure on drones in research, industry and society (Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation)
  • Carbon sequestration and biodiversity in different land use systems in Loreto Region, Northern Peru (Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon IIAP)
  • Versatile emerging infectious disease observatory VEO (EU Horizon 2020)
  • MapCLand: Drone-based Lidar systems for assessing carbon stocks (Villum Experiment)
  • DeepCrop: Using deep learning in interpretation of point cloud data from drone borne LIDAR (Data+ pool)
  • Catchment Transport and Cryohydrology Network (CatchNet RP1)




















Members of the Research Group

Name Title Phone E-mail
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Andreas Westergaard-Nielsen Associate Professor +4535325840 E-mail
Bettina Sabine Loy PhD Fellow +4535335844 E-mail
Birger Hansen Associate Professor +4535322519 E-mail
Birgitte Kortegaard Danielsen PhD Fellow +4535331485 E-mail
Bo Elberling Professor +4535322520 E-mail
Camilla Ruø Rasmussen Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535320871 E-mail
Changling He Emeritus +4535324166 E-mail
Charlotte Sigsgaard Academic Research Staff +4535322518 E-mail
Christin Abel Postdoc +4535332467 E-mail
Daniel Ortiz Gonzalo Assistant Professor +4535337652 E-mail
David Terpager Christiansen Enrolled PhD Student   E-mail
Frederikke Krogh Corydon PhD Fellow   E-mail
Guy Schurgers Associate Professor +4535337692 E-mail
Gyula Mate Kovács Postdoc +4591922293 E-mail
Hanbo Yun Enrolled PhD Student +4535325175 E-mail
Hans Frederik Engvej Hansen PhD Fellow   E-mail
Jaime Caballer Revenga Postdoc +4535330252 E-mail
Louise Hindborg Mortensen Postdoc +4535332103 E-mail
Maria Matthiesen PhD Fellow +4535321135 E-mail
Mikkel Toft Hornum Postdoc +4535331993 E-mail
Morten Rasch Senior Consultant +4535333813 E-mail
Nelly Sophie Raymond Postdoc +4535331839 E-mail
Peiyan Wang Postdoc +4535325567 E-mail
Per Lennart Ambus Professor +4535336626 E-mail
Rasmus Fensholt Professor +4535322526 E-mail
Rasmus Jensen Guest Researcher +4535335208 E-mail
Simon Nyboe Laursen PhD Fellow +4535330817 E-mail
Stéphanie Horion Associate Professor +4535325878 E-mail
Tania Fredborg Nielsen Special Consultant +4535331280 E-mail
Thilde Bech Bruun Associate Professor +4535333412 E-mail
Thomas Balstrøm Associate Professor +4535335396 E-mail
Thomas Friborg Professor +4535322574 E-mail
Wim Verbruggen Postdoc   E-mail
Yan Cheng PhD Fellow +4535322350 E-mail
Yujia Liu PhD Fellow   E-mail