A selection of previous master projects for inspiration.

Climate and vegetation

  • Reduction of global GHG emissions (TF)
  • Modelling temperature gradients in Greenland (BH)
  • Global radiation in mountainous areas (BH)
  • Automatic animal trail recognition in a Danish wetland using satellite and drones (AWN)
  • North American boreal forest fires (GS)
  • Multi-criteria GIS analysis as decision support tool for finding nature restoration (TB)
  • Vegetation and sheep farming in South Greenland (BE)
  • Kitchen middens and vegetation changes (BE)
  • The effect of climate change on Sorghum yields in Burkina Faso (GS)
  • Modeling biomass production in Greenland (BH)


  • P-retention capacity in soils - in the future an environmental problem? (HBM)
  • Biochar & glacial flour as fertilizer in tropical soils (HBM)
  • Methane uptake in dry landscapes (BE)
  • Methane emissions from Arctic peatlands (GS)
  • Effects of permafrost depletion in a subarctic landscape in Northern Sweden (TF)
  • Impacts of tundra fire on soil nutrient mobility and GHG emissions (PA)
  • A chronosequence study on C and N acquisition in a recently deglaciated forefield, W-Greenland (PA)
  • Plant available nutrient and growth with warming (BE)
  • The effect of glacial flour on soil water retention and irrigation strategy in sandy tropical soils (HBM)
  • Soil Water chemistry changes after snow addition (BE)
  • Emissions of nitrous oxide from arctic tundra in response to climate warming (PA)
  • Modelling active layer thickness in Greenland (BH)
  • Soil quality and yields in organic and conventional cultivation systems in East Uganda (TBB)
  • Palm oil expansion in the Amazon: Implications for soil organic carbon and future development (TBB)


  • Arc-Malstroem and Malstroem: Applications for flood risk modelling in urban and rural areas (TB)
  • SeaFlood: Flood assessment in coastal areas caused by stowage of sea water (TB)
  • Kagså climate adaptation and assessment of extreme precipitation events in next generation climate scenarios (TF)
  • Improved techniques to measure snow volume using drones (AWN)
  • Data standardization and data modelling in compliance with the European Water Framework Directive (TB)
  • A method for automated generation of stream networks in rural areas (TB)
  • Changes in methane oxidation after watering (BE)
  • Water use efficiencies from different land use managements in Skjern River catchment (TF)

(supervisors: AWN – Andreas Westergaard-Nielsen; BE – Bo Elberling; BH – Birger Hansen; GS – Guy Schurgers; HBM – Henrik Breuning-Madsen; PA – Per Ambus; TB – Thomas Balstrøm; TBB – Thilde Bech Bruun; TF – Thomas Friborg)

Head of Research Group

Thomas Friborg
+45 35322574