Öresund Design Research Seminars

Two persons discussingThe interdisciplinary research platform the Öresund Design Research Seminars (ÖDRS) brings together scholars from the Öresund region working with the design of urban landscapes to share theories, methodologies and research findings.

ÖDRS’ ethos is to be a sharing environment where scholars help each other’s progress on their research and work. The ÖDRS aim to stimulate and empower research in the design of urban landscapes and to create the foundation for novel research approaches and perspectives. The seminars gather scholars working with a whole range of disciplinary perspectives, primarily from the design disciplines and humanities.

ÖDRS gathers researchers at all stages of their professional life – from young to emeritus – to present and discuss early ideas and finished publications. The seminar also serves as a meeting point for local and international scholars who visit the Öresund region.

The seminars are co-hosted by The University of Copenhagen and The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Since 2014, there have been 2-3 ÖDRS seminars each year, alternatively in Malmö and Copenhagen.

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Do you want to know more or become part of the ÖDRS network? Contact: Funding chairs of the ÖDRS Svava Riesto on svri@ign.ku.dk or Lisa Diedrich on lisa.diedrich@slu.se.