Landscape Architecture and Urbanism

Focus areas
Our research bridges design and humanities exchanging and developing knowledge at the intersection of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, architectural philosophy, cultural studies, and art history.
Being situated in a bioscience and natural science research environment allow us, on a daily basis, to benefit from access to and general understanding of how other scientific fields affect and are influenced by our perspectives.
Our focus is on open, dynamic urban and rural spaces, paying special attention to design theories, methods, and aesthetics; urban phenomenology; and various forms of representations, both textual and visual. Our overall objective is to substantiate the quality of our shared open spaces.
A landscape – urban, rural, public, private – can be understood as human interaction with a specific site over time and thus as accumulated interpretations, reinterpretations, and spatial transformations.
The dynamic material and immaterial qualities and histories are pivotal for our research, directing our attention to the intersection of design and cultural theory; of conception and reception; and subsequently the spatiotemporal continuum of past, present, and future.
Our research thus aims to develop theories and methods for preservation, reuse, and development of the hybrid of natural and human-made landscapes.
Design research is central to understanding, conceptualising, and developing landscape architecture and urbanism. Topical issues include transdisciplinary co-creation, 1:1 prototyping, new forms of media mediation, and new performative aesthetics in an increasingly transformative practice.
We use practice-based research and design education to develop design theory, methods, and pedagogy as well as place-specific knowledge for urban landscape development, often in collaboration with practice partners.
The ecological crisis has turned urban development into a key issue for the 21st Century. Greening cities is regarded as the solution to major challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, and the problem of creating more liveable environments in an era when the majority of the world’s population lives in cities.
Our research critically examines contemporary urban nature design and contributes to developing the new design strategies, methodologies, and knowledge needed to shape these human/non-human assemblages into desired future interactions.
Our research bridges the gaps between natural sciences, the humanities, and design research to engage with the post-nature condition and the emerging theory and design methodology of post-nature in its full complexity.
Current projects
- Reconfiguring Welfare Landscapes
Ellen Marie Braae, Svava Riesto, Henriette Steiner, Anne Tietjen, Lærke Sophie Keil, Asbjørn Jessen - Exploring Nordic Models of Welfare and Landscape
Ellen Marie Braae - Exploring Nordic Models of Architecture and Welfare
Ellen Marie Braae - PuSH – Public Space in European Social Housing
Ellen Marie Braae, Bettina Lamm, Svava Riesto, Henriette Steiner, Anne Tietjen - How to Live with Trees (preparing)
Ellen Braae, Mette Juhl Jessen - Move the Neighbourhood
Bettina Lamm, Anne Margrethe Wagner, Laura Winge - Playable, bevægelsesinstallationer i by og landskabsrum
Bettina Lamm - Cultivating Public Spaces
Bettina Lamm - Livskvalitet i yderområder og landdistrikter
Anne Tietjen - Exploring Public Space in Rural Transformation
Anne Tietjen - Pilot project Gudenådalen
Rikke Munck Petersen, Jan Støvring, Peter Stubkjær - Drone Aesthetic Experience and co-creation – a pre-project
Rikke Munck Petersen - Drone Imaginaries and Communities
Rikke Munck Petersen - Network for Research on Drones and Aesthetics
Rikke Munck Petersen - Buskplantninger – tæt på naturen
Torben Ebbesen Dam - (Im)possible Instructions: Inscribing use-value in the architectural design process
Heidi Svenningsen Kajita - Klager i praksis [Practicing Complaints]
Heidi Svenningsen Kajita) - Byerne og det stigende havvand
Anna Aslaug Lund - LCA in Landscape Architecture (preparing)
Lærke Sophie Keil - Water Heritage (preparing)
Anne Margrethe Wagner - Transformation of Young Industrial Landscapes
Johanne Heesche - Chasing the in-between
Ellen Marie Braae, Sofie Stilling - Connection. An incomplete design studio manifesto
Peter Lundsgaard Hansen - Exploring Desakota Urbanity in Southwest China's Hilly Regions: A Filmic Scroll Approach to Urban-Rural Sustainable Development in Chongqing
Hongxia Pu
We teach theories and methodologies substantiating design work, context, and process analyses that address constructive, functional, societal, sensorial, and artistic issues. These include various theories and methods for transforming and reassembling complex multi-scalar spatial relationships, leading to problem formulation and subsequently strategic design by means of spatial interventions.
The development of media and representation as two sides of the same coin is crucial to this work. Focus is on current societal and climate changes, which necessitate spatial transformations of the urban landscape in addition to increased aesthetic and recreational functions for this landscape.
The Research Group for Landscape Architecture and –Urbanism contributes substantially to BSc Landskabsarkitektur and MSc Landscape Architecture via the following courses:
- BSc course Plan & Design (Richard Hare)
- BSc course Håndværk og Æstetik (Rikke Munck-Petersen)
- BSc course Geodesign (Richard Hare)
- BSc course Fagets videnskabsteori (Henriette Steiner)
- BSc course Byplanstudio I og II (Johanne Heesche)
- BSc course Planter og Teknologi (Torben Dam)
- BSc Bachelorprojekt
- MSc course Theories and Methods of Landscape Architecture (Svava Riesto and Ellen Braae)
- MSc course Theories of Urban Design (Anne Tietjen)
- MSc course Landscape Studio (Peter Lundsgaard Hansen)
- MSc course Urban Intervention Studio (Bettina Lamm)
- MSc course Urbanism Studio (Ellen Braae)
- MSc course Transformation Studio (Anne Tietjen)
- MSc course Design by Management (Torben Dam)
- MSc course Landscape Film (Rikke Munck-Petersen)
- MSc Master thesis
Collaboration and networks
Members of the Research Group
Name | Title | Phone | |
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Anna Aslaug Mortensdottir Lund | Associate Professor | +4535320528 | |
Anne Tietjen | Professor | +4535331934 | |
Anne Madsbjerg | Visiting PhD Student | +4535337886 | |
Anne Margrethe Wagner | Assistant Professor - Tenure Track | +4535331788 | |
Bettina Lamm | Professor | +4535331771 | |
Carsten Johansen | Academic Research Staff | ||
Ellen Braae | Professor | +4535331792 | |
Heidi Svenningsen Kajita | Associate Professor | +4529878846 | |
Junyu Hu | Enrolled PhD Student | ||
Liv Løvetand Rahbek | Graphic Designer. | +4535333328 | |
Lærke Sophie Keil | Assistant Professor | +4535328140 | |
Marie Schnell | Enrolled PhD Student | +4535337619 | |
Peter Lundsgaard Hansen | Teaching Associate Professor | +4535331789 | |
Richard Hare | Teaching Associate Professor | +4535331781 | |
Rikke Munck Petersen | Associate Professor | +4535320416 | |
Torben Dam | Associate Professor | +4535331797 | |
Yuying Sun | PhD Student |
Head of
Research Group
Ellen Marie Braae
Tel.: +45 35331792
Mobile: +45 29177117