Spatial Change and Planning
The group aims to provide an integrated understanding of the urban-rural continuum, comprising cities, peri-urban areas and rural districts. Research conducted in the group build on and integrate perspectives from a broad range of disciplines spanning the social, human and natural sciences, including fields such as design research, geography, planning studies, landscape ecology and landscape science. Human’s use and perception of urban and rural landscapes, understanding of places, and place-making play a prominent role in our research.
Specifik themes
Specific themes in the research comprise urban and rural lifestyles and their implications for planning, development of new planning tools for rural areas, climate adaptation, governance of urban and regional development, development and transformation of urban and rural districts, the multifunctional role of agriculture and rural landscapes, terrestrial habitat monitoring, land use / land cover studies, land use modeling, remote sensing of terrestrial environments. We run projects in Denmark, Europe and in developing countries.
Methods and collaboration
Methods for spatial analysis such as landscape character assessment, mapping of ecosystem services and landscape functions and urban environment and urban life play a significant role in studies of spatial development and human use of the environment. Other projects deal with management processes such as spatial planning, governance, involvement of citizens, and not least planning innovation. We often work together with other institutions and actors in landscapes and cities.
Ongoing projects
- Byerne og det stigende havvand (Gertrud Jørgensen, Ole Fryd)
- The cooling effect of urban green-blue space in different climate zones
- Pathways to water resilient South African cities (PaWS) (Lise Herslund)
- Klimatilpasning i det åbne land – samarbejdsmodeller mellem kommuner (Peter Stubkjær Andersen, Rikke Munck Petersen, Henrik Vejre)
- Nature, Landscape Climate project
- Regionale landskabsstrategier (Jørgen Primdahl, Lone S. Kristensen)
- WaterProtect (Lone S. Kristensen, Erling Andersen)
- CONTRACTS 2.0 - Co-design of novel contract models… (Erling Andersen)
- Landskabsfortællinger og samskabelse i multifunktionel jordfordeling (Lone S. Kristensen)
- Græsning og friluftsliv: Best practise for dialog, etablering og formidling (Lone S. Kristensen)
- Sædskifteprojektet (Henrik Vejre)
- Livskvalitet i yderområder og landdistrikter (Anne Tietjen)
- Public space in rural transformation - workshopserie (Anne Tietjen)
- Levedygtige landsbyer – version 2.0 (Hanne W. Tanvig, Lise Herslund)
- Broagerland 3.0 – pilotprojekt som frilandsby (Hanne W. Tanvig)
- Københavnsegnens grønne områder (Henrik Vejre)
- ESPON Digiplan – Evaluating Spatial Planning Practices with Digital Plan Data (Christian Fertner)
- Digital plandata – workshopserie (Christian Fertner)
- IBuildGreen (Christian Fertner)
- Drone Imaginaries and Communities. Understanding Drones through Aesthetics (Rikke Munck Petersen)
- Drone Aesthetic Experience and Co-creation – a preproject (Rikke Munck Petersen)
- Simulating Public Life in Space and Time
- EFUA-European forum on urban agriculture (Henrik Vejre, Trine Agervig Carstensen, Anne Madsbjerg)
- Spurring INnovations for Forest ECosystem SERvices in Europe (Frank Søndergaard Jensen)
PhD projects
Strategy Making in Danish Rural Landscapes: Theoretical and practical developments in collaborative planning for landscapes at a regional scale (Lotte Ruegaard Petersen)
Research on residents’ preference to urbanized landscapes in rural construction and planning (Gaoyaun Yang)
Urban Gardens as Drivers for Liveability and Community Coherence – a case study addressing the dynamic relationsship between landscape architecture, culture and people (Anne Madsbjerg)
‘Child Inclusive Public Space for Liveable city’ (Peng Ding)
Community strategies and local planning approaches in the Arctic (Leneisja Jungsberg)
Urban regeneration and social networks (Tongyun Du)
Planning for the water sensitive city in Dar es Salaam (Martha Mkupasi)
Consent-making in Participatory Landscape Architecture (Anne Cunningham)
Influence of the socio-economic status on the public open space preferences (Nevroz Cinar Özdil)
Big Cities – ’Quiet’ Places – tracing material and immaterial qualities of urban space (Hanne Wiemann Nielsen)
Envisioning public participation in landscape corridor planning in China with European experience (Haiyun Xu)
- NATURA - Nature-based solutions for Urban Resilience in the Anthropocene
- Network for Research on Drones researchondrones
- ThinkChina
- Center for Strategisk Byforskning
Forskergruppen bidrager til undervisningen på Landskabsarkitektuddannelsen, kandidatuddannelsen i Nature Management, bacheloruddannelsen i Naturressourceforvaltning og i mindre omfang til andre studieretninger. Vi afholder desuden ph.d.-kurser.
- Plan og Design 2 (BA)
- Byplan studio, Strategi og design 1 (BA)
- Byplan Studio, Strategi og design 2 (BA)
- Bysociologi – menneske, sted og by (BA)
- Håndværk og æstetik i landskabsarkitektur (BA)
- Naturressourcer; Forvaltning og Økonomi (BA)
- Natur- og Parkforvaltning (BA)
- Projekt-og skriveværksted i by-og landskabsstudier (BA)
- Planlægning i det åbne land (MA)
- Rural Landscapes: Methods and approaches in policy-making (MA)
- Thematic Course II A – Rural Landscape Management and Planning (MA)
- Temakursus ll B: Rurale landskaber - Forvaltning og Planlægning (MA)
- Motivation and pro-environmental behaviour (MA)
- Landscape and Restoration Ecology (MA)
- Theories of Urban Design (MA)
- Urban Forestry Urban Greening (MA)
- Transformation Studio (MA)
- Urbanism Studio (MA)
- Landscape film (MA)
- Nature Perception (MA)
See the research group's Danish site Rumlig forandring og planlægning
Members of the Research Group
Name | Title | Phone | |
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Anna Aslaug Mortensdottir Lund | Associate Professor | +4535320528 | |
Anne Tietjen | Professor | +4535331934 | |
Anne Madsbjerg | Visiting PhD Student | +4535337886 | |
Anne Margrethe Wagner | Assistant Professor - Tenure Track | +4535331788 | |
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen | Professor | +4535337464 | |
Christian Fertner | Associate Professor | +4535331782 | |
Erling Andersen | Senior Adviser | +4535331813 | |
Frida Maj Vinther Nielsen | Research Assistant | +4535324877 | |
Gertrud Jørgensen | Professor | +4535331828 | |
Hanna Allesøe Hansen | Enrolled PhD Student | +4535322338 | |
Hanne Wittorff Tanvig | Emerita | +4535331710 | |
Heidi Svenningsen Kajita | Associate Professor | +4529878846 | |
Henrik Vejre | Professor | +4535331819 | |
Iisa Eikaas | PhD Student | ||
Irene Holm Sørensen | PhD Student | ||
Junyu Hu | Enrolled PhD Student | ||
Jørgen Primdahl | Professor | +4535331822 | |
Kamilla Stener Møller | Special Consultant | +4535331630 | |
Lise Byskov Herslund | Associate Professor | +4535331926 | |
Lone Søderkvist Kristensen | Professor | +4535331831 | |
Lotte Ruegaard Petersen | Enrolled PhD Student | +4535321382 | |
Mette Juhl Jessen | PhD Fellow | +4535323125 | |
Mukti Ram Chapagain | PhD Fellow | ||
Natalie Marie Gulsrud | Associate Professor - Promotion Programme | +4521865524 | |
Patience Mguni | Assistant Professor | +4535320209 | |
Peter Stubkjær Andersen | Associate Professor | +4535331911 | |
Rikke Munck Petersen | Associate Professor | +4535320416 | |
Sandra Gentin | Teaching Associate Professor | +4535331662 | |
Sara Folvig | Academic Officer | +4535330858 | |
Subash Rana | PhD Fellow | ||
Trine Agervig Carstensen | Associate Professor | +4535331840 | |
Xiaohui Zhang | Enrolled PhD Student | ||
Yuying Sun | PhD Student |
Leader of the Research Group
Christian Fertner
Associate professor
Tel.: +45 35331782