Urban Imaginaries - Drone Imagery and Data Modulations as New Affective Actions

Activity: Participating in an event - typesOrganisation of and participation in conference

Rikke Munck Petersen - Organizer

A two day seminar with an public event at the COPENHAGEN LANDSCAPE LECTURE SERIES FALL 2018 – Integrated Futures, Urban Imaginaries

A film, two lectures and an exciting discussion regarding the role of data, drones, ground experiences and ownership of land featured:

Ignacio Acosta, Artist and researcher, ignacioacosta.com (UK)
Pia Fricker, Researcher, Department of Architecture, Aalto University (FIN)
The artistic exploration and effects of data and media mediation, and humans impact on urban landscape changes, opens up new perspectives on what digitization can mean physically, socially and politically for new urban imaginaries, landscape practice and education. Hence we seek to discuss artistic work approaches in relation to natural science approaches needed for future perceptions and actions.

Organizer and moderator: Rikke Munck Petersen
27 Nov 201828 Nov 2018


SeminarUrban Imaginaries - Drone Imagery and Data Modulations as New Affective Actions
LocationDepartment for Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
Internet address

    Research areas

  • drone imagery, drone filming, affect, urban imaginaries, landscape architecture, landscape planning

ID: 223880450