2024.11.11 New paper out led by Silva Nova PhD student Kostantinos Georgopoulos. “Reduction of forest soil biota impacts tree performance but not greenhouse gas fluxes” https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2024.109643 “In this research we investigated the effects of decreasing community size fractions…
2024.10.28 PhD defense of Davide Barsotti Development of plant and fungal communities in afforested agricultural soils effects of time, tree species, environment, and restoration
2024.10.25 Seminar at the Green Solution Center Seminar at the Green Solution Center: ”Grønne skove, grønne løsninger: Skovrejsning og grøn omstilling”
2024.10.18 PhD defense of Feng Long Feng Long on defending her PhD thesis titled: “The Fraxinus excelsior mycobiome".
2024.09.17 Establishing new forests is not always straight forward PhD student Kostantinos Georgopoulos, from the Institute of Biology at Leiden University, has been interviewed by Sciencenews.dk to discuss the findings and implications of his recent study…
Forest soil 2024.08.10 New article from our collaborators at Leiden University During early afforestation stages, biotic and abiotic soil characteristics change at different paces.
2024.06.20 Silva Nova will participate in the IUFRO Congress in Stockholm on June 23-29, 2024 Silva Nova will participate in the IUFRO Congress in Stockholm on June 23-29, 2024
2024.06.12 The Cresco Capital Award 2024 Congratulations to Marie Louise Dornonville de la Cour Bergmann for being awarded with the Cresco Capital Award 2024
Annual meeting 2024.04.25 Silva Nova annual meeting in Denmark, April 23-25 2024 This year marks the midpoint of our project, and the entire Silva Nova team gathered in North Sjælland...
2024.02.21 Lasse Egebjerg Ravn defended his MSc thesis, February 2024 "Soil profile development with time after afforestation of arable land investigated by natural stabile isotope analysis"
2024.01.25 Vivien Kovacs defended her MSc thesis, January 2024 "Exploring the Influence of Former Land Use on Soil Characteristics and Biodiversity Indicators across Denmark"
2023.12.11 A new field-experiment, 11 December 2023 The project is moving forward and it is now time for some testing in the field.
2023.11.27 Microbiome workshop, 21-24 November 2023 Our collaborator, Sofia Gomes from Leiden University, joined the Silva Nova team at University of Copenhagen...
2023.06.05 Silva Nova annual meeting in Estonia, 29 May – 1 June 2023 This year, the Silva Nova team gathered in Estonia for its third workshop, which was hosted by our partners at Tartu University (Oecologicum)
2023.05.11 Visit of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Our research group recently hosted a visit from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Defended 2023.04.11 Diversity of surface-active arthropods in young forests in Denmark – Comparing the effec Anna K. Zimmermann successfully defended her thesis
Workshop 2022.11.24 Workshop in Leiden (Nov 16-18) The workshop included presentations of (preliminary) results from the following: Leiden University Sofia Gomes Impact of forest soil microbial communities on tree performance Kostas Georgopoulos Afforesting with…
2022.07.06 Carbon stocks in natural colonized versus planted forests Congratulations to Marie Louise Dornonville de la Cour Bergmann who successfully defended her MSc. thesis ‘Carbon stocks in natural colonized versus planted forests’
2022.06.20 PhD defense Haifeng Zheng Congratulations to Haifeng Zheng on successfully defending his thesis: ‘‘Soil enzyme activity and ecoenzymatic stoichiometry as affected by tree species and their mycorrhizal association’’
2022.05.04 First Silva Nova workshop (May 2-4 Dragør) A year into our project and several online meetings, the whole Silva Nova team is finally meeting live
MSc. thesis 2022.03.14 Impact of afforestation on nitrogen retention Congratulations to Sascha Hellmann Hansen and Birgitte Ringgaard Diget that today successfully defended their MSc. thesis
PhD defence 2022.03.04 Afforestation by natural colonization – temporal changes, drivers and biodiversity in the initial three decades Congratulations to Nané Køllgaard Pedersen on the successful defence of her PhD