Workshop in Leiden (Nov 16-18)
The Silva Nova team gathered in the Netherlands for our second workshop, hosted by our partners from Leiden University. We spent three days presenting and discussing preliminary results and it was such a good feeling to see how far we have come already. Thank you to all participants for fruitful discussions and quality feedback.

The workshop included presentations of (preliminary) results from the following:
Leiden University
Sofia Gomes
Impact of forest soil microbial communities on tree performance
Kostas Georgopoulos
Afforesting with microbial communities
Annemiek van Dijke
Root-associated microbes and drought
Tartu University
Leho Tedersoo
Richness of soil fungi and animals in relation to land use change
Sten Anslan
DNA metabarcoding data analyses
Copenhagen University
Klaus Steenberg Larsen
Observed greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) flux changes in a soil microbiome inoculation experiment
David Bille Byriel
Development of biodiversity in naturally colonized vs. planted forest on former agricultural land
Yamina Micaela Rosas
Forest structure data using LiDAR imagery
Davide Barsotti
Changes in soil properties and floristic diversity through a chronosequence
Karelle Rheault
DNA results from a chronosequence – Changes in microbial communities
Ming Yu
Soil enzyme activity and ecoenzymatic stoichiometry in Oak and Spruce Chronosequences
Sascha Hellmann Hansen
Preliminary trends in a soil microbiome inoculation experiment
Thank you to our coordination team (Per Gundersen, Inger Kappel Schmidt, Lars Vesterdal, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas), and to Jesper Riis Christensen for participating from afar.
A very special thank you to our hosts from Leiden University, Sofia Gomes, Martijn Bezemer, Kostas Georgopoulos and Annemiek van Dijke for organizing the workshop.