12 June 2024
The Cresco Capital Award 2024

Congratulations to Marie Louise Dornonville de la Cour Bergmann for being awarded with the Cresco Capital Award 2024 for her MSc. Thesis titled: “Carbon stocks in natural colonized versus planted forests”.
There is limited knowledge about the carbon stock levels of naturally colonized forests. Therefore, Marie’s thesis contributes new and important knowledge to the field.
This research is directly applicable to land managers, facilitating informed decision-making and sustainable forest and land management. At Cresco, we encourage more research in this field to increase ecological stewardship.” Award winners | Cresco Capital Award."
Key Findings
- Carbon Stock Distribution: The results showed a difference in carbon stock distributions between the three investigated carbon pools both between treatment and sites. However, the total ecosystem carbon stocks were higher on planted sites.
- Soil Organic Carbon: No significant differences were found in soil organic carbon (0-30 cm) between the naturally colonized and planted sites.
- Development Stages: Naturally colonized sites had developed into different stages, indicating that the rates and trajectories of natural colonization are highly site-dependent.
Congratulations Marie from the Silva Nova team!