Temperature and Tree Size Explain the Mean Time to Fall of Dead Standing Trees across Large Scales

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Dead standing trees (DSTs) generally decompose slower than wood in contact with the forest floor. In many regions, DSTs are being created at an increasing rate due to accelerating tree mortality caused by climate change. Therefore, factors determining DST fall are crucial for predicting dead wood turnover time but remain poorly constrained. Here, we conduct a re-analysis of published DST fall data to provide standardized information on the mean time to fall (MTF) of DSTs across biomes. We used multiple linear regression to test covariates considered important for DST fall, while controlling for mortality and management effects. DSTs of species killed by fire, insects and other causes stood on average for 48, 13 and 19 years, but MTF calculations were sensitive to how tree size was accounted for. Species’ MTFs differed significantly between DSTs killed by fire and other causes, between coniferous and broadleaved plant functional types (PFTs) and between managed and unmanaged sites, but management did not explain MTFs when we distinguished by mortality cause. Mean annual temperature (MAT) negatively affected MTFs, whereas larger tree size or being coniferous caused DSTs to stand longer. The most important explanatory variables were MAT and tree size, with minor contributions of management and plant functional type depending on mortality cause. Our results provide a basis to improve the representation of dead wood decomposition in carbon cycle assessments.

Udgave nummer5
Antal sider32
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This research was funded by the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, Lund University, and supported by The Royal Physiographic Society of Lund’s Endowments for the Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology—Geoscience with 25.000 SEK. T.T. was funded by the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA Dnr. 2021-00144), and FORMAS (Dnr. 2021-00644). TP was supported by the European Commission, the European Research Council (TreeMort—grant no. 758873) and Sweden’s Innovation Agency through the ERA-Net ForestValue (project FORECO; Dnr. 2021-05016).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 by the authors.

ID: 357515751