Growth and Development Responses of the Rhizome-Root System in Pleioblastus pygmaeus to Light Intensity

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Light, as a primary source of energy, directly or indirectly influences virtually all morphological modifications occurring in both shoots and roots. A pot experiment was conducted to assess the growth patterns of one-year-old Pleioblastus pygmaeus plants' rhizome-root systems and their responses to different light intensities from 11 March to 26 December 2016. The experiment design scheme was 3.87% (L1), 11.25% (L2), 20.25% (L3), 38.76% (L4), 60.70% (L5), and 100% full sunlight (control CK). The results indicated that along the growing period from March to December, eight of the eleven studied parameters of the rhizome-root system showed significant variability and diverse growth patterns. In addition, light intensity is a key factor for determining P. pygmaeus plants' rhizome and root growth. Specifically, the light intensity had a significant, positive, and linear/or almost linear impact on the number of old and new rhizomes, old rhizome length, new rhizome diameter, as well as the culm root diameter. A nonlinear and positive relationship was found between light intensity and the listed three parameters, i.e., new rhizome length, new rhizome internode length, and rhizome root length. The value of the above-mentioned three parameters significantly increased when affected from 0% to 40-60% of full sunlight and then gradually increased until 100% of full sunlight. The ratio of aboveground dry weight to underground dry weight (A/U ratio) showed a single peak curve with increasing light intensity and presented the highest value under ca. 55% full sunlight. Furthermore, 40% full sunlight (equal to an average light of 2232 lux) might be the threshold for P. pygmaeus rhizome-root system growth. When the light intensity was below 40%, the generalized additive models (GAMs) predicted value of most studied parameters decreased to lower than zero. In conclusion, current study provides a solid basis for understanding the dynamic growth and development of P. pygmaeus rhizome-root system, and its responses to different light conditions, which could be used as inputs to P. pygmaeus plant cultivation.

Udgave nummer17
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2022

ID: 321167005