Emil Makovicky

Emil Makovicky

Professor emeritus, Professor, emeritus

Member of:

    Place of work
    Department of Geography and Geology
    University of Copenhagen
    Øster Voldgade 10
    DK 1350 Copenhagen K
    Phone: +45 35 32 24 32 (direct), 3532 25 00 (switchboard)
    E-mail: emilm@geol.ku.dk

    Personal data and education
    Domicile: Hjortekærsvej 175A, 2800 Kongens Lyngby
    Phone: +45 45 88 91 88
    Born: 18. 8. 1940, Bratislava, Slovakia
    Married, 2 children
    University studies: Comenius University of Bratislava, Czechoslovakia  1957-1962
    M.Sc. in geology (mineralogy), Comenius University of Bratislava, 1962
    RNDr. in mineralogy, Comenius University of Bratislava, 1967
    Ph.D. in geology (crystallography), McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1970.

    1962-1967          Lecturer, later Assistant Professor,  Dept. of Mineralogy and Crystallography,
                             Comenius University of Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
    1967-1970          Ph.D. student, Dept. of Geological Sciences, McGill University, Montreal.
    1969-1970          Sessional Lecturer, Dept. of Geological Sciences, McGill University, Montreal.
    1970-1972          Research Staff Geologist, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New
                             Haven, Connecticut, USA.
    1972-1989          Lektor, Institute of Mineralogy (later: Geological Inst.), University of Copenhagen.
    1989-1995          Docent, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen.
    1995-                 Professor of Mineralogy, the same Institute, since 2007 reorganized as: 
                             Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen.

    Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America since 1986
    Member of the Royal Scientific Society of Denmark since 1996
    D.Stur medal, Slovak Geological Survey
    E.Boricky medal, Charles University Prague (1997)
    D.Andrusov medal, Comenius University (2006)


    Professional Activities
    Sabbatical stays: 1981-Australian National University, Canberra; 1986-Yale University, New Haven, USA; 1993-University of Granada, Spain; several stays: University of Salzburg, Austria.
    Member of 9 scientific societies

    Associated editor for Canadian Mineralogist 1991-1993
    Editor of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 1997-
    Reviewer for different mineralogical/crystallographic journals
    Member of university committees (time-limited posts at institute level, at various times since 1972), e.g.:
    Research and Ph.D. Committee, Geological Institute
    Study Council, Geological Institute
    Chairman of the PhD Examination Commissions

    Censor at the Institute of Chemistry, Danish Technical University
    Organizer and principal lecturer at three summer schools
    Lecturer in the EU programme ‘Master en aprovechamiento sostenible de recursos minerales' in Lima, Peru and Madrid, Spain (2005-2009)

    Field work
    NE and S China (field seasons 1995-2002) Au deposits
    Mineralogical localities in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Bolivia, Siberia/Russia, USA, Spain, Egypt

    Forskningsrådet for Natur og Univers: 2009-2011, Complex sulphides and selenides: minerals and materials - crystal chemistry, modularity, modulations and microstructures.

    previous (selected):
    Carlsbergfondet 2004-2008, Experimental investigations of crystal structures and crystal chemistry of Pt-group minerals

    Forskningsrådet for Natur og Univers 2004-2007, Crystal-chemical investigations of minerals at elevated pressure and temperature.

    Udenrigsministeriet-Udviklingspolitisk Kontor 2003-2004 Exploration mineralogy and pollution geochemistry of the Zhilingtou gold-silver deposit (China)

    Statens naturvidenskabelige Forskningsråd 2000-2003, Crystal chemistry of complex sulphides. 
    Statens naturvidenskabelige Forskningsråd 1998 Single-crystal diffractometer & equipment

    European Community/BRITE/EURAM Programme 1993- 1995 New exploration methods for platinum and rhodium deposits poor in base metal sulphides

    EEC 1 Project 1987-1992 Factors governing concentrations of PGE in layered complexes




    PhD: C.C.Christiansen, S.Hem, He Changling, Dan Topa, Jaroslav Prsek, Jiri Sejkora, Daniela Pinto, Henrik Fougt, Gheorghe. Ilinca, at present: Caroline Piper Hem, Karina K. Sand


    MSc (kandidat): F.Bræstrup, Rune E. Johnsen, Ida Lind, Joachim Raben-Levetzau, Thomas P. Pedersen, Søren B. Petersen, Maiken Hansen, Maj P. Bjerring, Caroline Piper, Jens Wenzel Andreasen, Iver Juul, Rudolf Krzyzak, Lisbeth A.G. Terol, Donald E. Davis, Lisbeth Mathiesen, Claes C. Christiansen, Lars F. Lundegaard, Camilla Nissen, R.B. Hendriksen, S.Hem, Britt Andreasen, Karina K. Sand, Marie Drejer Nielsen, Joanna Nissenbaum 

    -still in the pipeline: Erik Gimm, Casper Mejer Petersen, M. Birooni


    Bachelor (external)
    Vincent Dubost

    Publications - peer reviewed
    about 170 peer-reviewed publications in Canadian Mineralogist, American Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Acta Crystallographica, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Mineralogical Magazine, Economic Geology, Applied Clay Science, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, Transactions of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Science, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Cement and Concrete Research, etc.
    (includes 4 monographic reviews)
    1 book (Ferraris/Makovicky/Merlino 2004, second edition  2008)


    Other publications
    about 6 final project reports (projects see above)
    Internal/ad hoc (summer school/MSc course) teaching texts in English, Danish, Spanish and French
    a book review  

    Popular publications
    1 publ. in VARV

    Research interests
    Modular classification and large-scale crystal chemistry of complex sulphides, oxides and other compounds. Mineralogy and crystallography, crystal chemistry, crystal structure analysis, phase relations and structural mineralogical systematics of sulphosalts. Layer misfit structures and related structure types. Crystal chemistry at elevated pressures and temperatures. Solubility of platinum group elements and Au in base metal sulphides/arsenides and sulphide/arsenide melts; phase relations in PGE-containing systems of ore-geological importance. Selected topics in industrial mineralogy and archeometry. Symmetrological and structural analysis of historic, especially Islamic ornaments.

    Status: December 2009-12-09

    ID: 4984