Trine Agervig Carstensen
Associate Professor
Landscape Architecture, Planning and Society
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C
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I am associate professor in Urban Planning and Everyday Life at the Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, where I also act as PhD coordinator. The focus of my research and teaching is the interaction of people’s everyday life and urban built and natural environments, especially regarding the implications at this interaction for the city’s planning, governance and management, sustainable mobility and for the city as a place to live in. I particularly research how marginalised citizen groups (children, youth, socially disadvantaged) use, experience and value urban public space and living environments. I am also interested in how methods can provide citizen-sensitive knowledge about living conditions, daily mobility and place attachment, can make planning more inclusive, just and sustainable. In addition, I research how land use, traffic infrastructure and transport cultures shape – and have shaped – sustainable forms of transport behaviour, as well as potentials and framework conditions for nature interaction and urban agriculture.
My ongoing research projects are ”EFUA – European Forum for Urban Agriculture” (2020-2024); ”Meeting places for social mobilization in deprived urban neighbourhoods” (2021-2028) and ”ELABORATOR – The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility” (2023-2026).
Over the past 15 years, I have supervised 8 PhD scholars. I am currently supervisor for Anne Madsbjerg (Urban Community Gardening) and co-supervisor for Juhyu Hu (The influence of electric bikes on urban commuting patterns). As a PhD coordinator, I an continuously in dialogue with approx. 20 PhD students about their research training, progress and well-being.
I teach and supervise in the Landscape Architecture programme, where I have supervised 40+ bachelor and master theses. I am course responsible for the BA courses Bysociologi (Urban sociology) and Fagets Videnskabsteori (Philosophy of Science) and contribute to the teaching on the urban planning studios Plan & Design 2 and Byplan Studio 1.
Primary fields of research
Research activities | |
'Digital borgerinddragelse af socialt udsatte i Odense. 4 med-fortolkningsworkshops' [Digital governance of socially vulnerable citizens in Odense. 4 co-interpretation workshops], (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2017), Tasks: principal investigator ofaction research though workshop planning and facilitation. 'Socialt udsatte borgeres rumlige adfærd i Odense' [Socially vulnerable citizens’ spatial behaviour in Odense], (Odense Municipality, 2016-2017), Tasks: partner of spatial analysis, data processing. ‘PLEEC - Planning for Energy Efficient Cities’ (EU FP7 2013-2016), Tasks: Partner in WP5 on behaviour driven energy efficiency, case studies of best available practices. ‘Bikeability – Cities for zero-emission travel and public health’ (Danish Council for Strategic Research, 2010-2014), Tasks: Partner in WP1 on backgrounds for transport behaviour, national survey and case studies of families transport behaviours. ‘Hvidbog om stationsbyer’ [Future Development of Small Towns] (Foundation Realdania, 2012-2013), Tasks: case studies of social organization and coherence. ‘Unges inddragelse samarbejdsdreven innovation i planlægningen af mindre byer’ [Youth participation in Collaborative Innovation for Planning in Small Towns] (Danish Ministry of Social Affairs, 2011-2012), Tasks: case studies of participatory processes. ‘Klimatilpasning i byplanlægningen’ [Climate adaptation and urban planning] (Danish Ministry of Environment, 2008), Tasks: literature review. ‘Hverdagslandskaber’ [Everyday Landscapes] (Foundation Realdania, 2004-2009), Tasks: Research partner in ‘Centre for Strategic Urban Research’, responsibility for WP: Everyday landscapes, ‘Bykvarterets brug og betydninger’ [Urban Neighbourhoods – Preferences and Practices] (Foundation Aase and Ejnar Danielsen 2004-2007), Tasks: case studies of families everyday life, transport and preferences for urban quality. ‘Læring gennem deltagelse’ [Learning Through Participation] (Danish Ministry of Environment, 2003), Tasks: network building and dissemination of research perspectives. ‘Fremtidens grønne byrum’ [The Future of Open Urban Space] (Danish Ministry of Environment, 2003), Tasks: coordination and dissemination of state of the art knowledge. ‘Barndom og velfærdssamfund’ [Childhood and Welfare Society] (Danish Research Council, 1999-2003), Tasks: PhD research partner in WP ‘Kvarteret som ramme om børns hverdagliv’ [The neighbourhood as setting for children’s everyday life] ‘Velfærdsbyen’ [The Welfare City] (Danish Research Council, 2000-2004), Tasks: Research partner in the network, dissemination of research. |
ID: 4230850
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Qualitative methods for exploring use, understanding and preferences for urban space
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