Rachel Maree Kristensen

Rachel Maree Kristensen

Research Assistant

I am an Environmental Lawyer and Ecologist, a Co-Chair for the Nature Restoration Law EU Knowledge Hub and I'm working on the ARAGORN, Horizon Europe project. This work primarily focuses on the restoration of contaminated sites around the EU. I am on the Copenhagen University (KU) Board of Appeals and the Review Committee for the Society of Ecological Restoration 2025 World Conference.

I have a Master in Nature Management (KU), Bachelor’s degrees in both Law and Applied Science (Queensland University of Technology (QUT)) and Post-Graduate Diplomas in both Law, Policy and Governance (University of Western Australia), and Legal Practice (The College of Law).

My previous professional experience includes working in the public sector as a Research Assistant (QUT) and Research Officer (Department of Agriculture and Food) and working in the legal industry in the public and private sectors (National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, Goldfields Land and Sea Council, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Herbert Smith Freehills (Freehills), Gowling WLG).

I have held several volunteer positions, including Australian Conservation Foundation Volunteer, Environmental Defenders Office Volunteer, Law Mentor (QUT), Inclusion and Diversity Committee Member (Freehills), Student Contact Committee Member (KU), Study Board Member (KU), and a Nature Management Admissions Committee Member (KU).

ID: 388253571