Forest and Landscape Restoration: Ten years of forests, trees and agroforestry research in partnership for sustainable development

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingReport chapterResearchpeer-review


  • Manuel R. Guariguata
  • Stibniati Atmadja
  • Himlal Baral
  • Manuel Boissière
  • Michael Brady
  • Susan Chomba
  • Peter Cronkleton
  • Houria Djoud
  • Amy Duchelle
  • Lalisa Duguma
  • Marlène Elias
  • Vincent Gitz
  • Rhett Harrison
  • Markus Ihalainen
  • Ramni Jamnadass
  • Riina Jalonen
  • Habtemariam Kassa
  • Christopher Kettle
  • Steve Lawry
  • Yanxia Li
  • Bruno Locatelli
  • Christopher Martius
  • Alexandre Meybeck
  • Peter Minang
  • Daniel Murdiyarso
  • Ani Nawir
  • Valentina Robiglio
  • Plinio Sist
  • Eduardo Somarriba
  • Meine van Noordwijk
  • Andrew Wardell
  • Tor Gunnar Vågen
  • Leig h Winowiecki
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationForest and Landscape Restoration : Ten years of forests, trees and agroforestry research in partnership for sustainable development
Number of pages48
Place of PublicationSindang Baran
PublisherCGIAR Research Program on Forest
Publication date2021
Publication statusPublished - 2021
SeriesFTA Highlights of a Decade 2011–2021 series

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