Yair Asael Alpuche Alvarez

Yair Asael Alpuche Alvarez

PhD student, Postdoc

My research focuses on land use management, planning, and governance, emphasizing the pivotal role of human agency in shaping landscapes. I explore how human behavior, values, and decisions influence land system dynamics and evolve in response to development initiatives such as policies, plans, and projects.

I investigate strategic approaches to managing social engagement for promoting positive behaviors conducive to a sustainable, greener, and more resilient future. My research covers diverse topics, including the impact of agricultural modernization on land use valuation, interdisciplinary analysis of watershed management, policy analysis from a social network and systems perspective, and the influence of land use subsidies on decision-making behavior.

To address my research questions, I employ a multi-method approach incorporating interviews, surveys, serious games, agent-based models, workshops, and scenario planning. Through these methodologies, I aim to provide comprehensive insights into the complex dynamics of land use decision-making and governance, empowering stakeholders with the knowledge needed to navigate towards a more sustainable and resilient future, while also assisting policy making.

ID: 233947958