Sedimentary dynamics along the west coast of Bohai Bay, China, during the twentieth century

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To investigate the most recent changes in sedimentation along the west coast of Bohai Bay, China, we collected twelve 1–2 m short cores of undisturbed sediment from tidal flats off the city of Tianjin, using an Eijkelkamp corer. Based on the excess or unsupported 210Pb and 137Cs activities measured from the sediment cores, the chronology of the sediment sequences was established, from which the sedimentary history of the tidal flats was reconstructed. Results inform spatial and temporal variations in sedimentation rate along the Tianjin coast, from which sedimentary dynamics can be deduced. Two important time boundaries are identified. As the Luanhe River had migrated northwards since 1915, sediment supply to the northern section of the coast had reduced. Around 1958, several rivers were dammed. Since 1985, the need for dredging the Tianjin Port has decreased. These actions have resulted in a decline of sediment supply from these rivers, including Haihe, to both the northern and southern sectors of the coast. Once the supply of sediment from rivers was reduced, tidal processes acted to modify sediment characteristics, and an upward-fining pattern is recorded in the majority of sediment cores in this study. This study highlights the usefulness of applying both 210Pb and 137Cs dating methods. These dating methods, together with detailed sedimentary analysis, can provide valuable sedimentary evidence of coastal change and natural and human causes of change.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Coastal Research
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)379-388
Publication statusPublished - 2014

ID: 130926146