Robert Frei

Robert Frei


Personal data
Name: Robert Frei
Date and Place of Birth: 20 March 1961, Switzerland


1998: PD Dr. sc. Nat. Habilitation “venia docendi” for geochronology, University of Bern, Switzerland
1992–1996: Post Doc at University of Bern, Switzerland
1992: PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Degree: Dr. sc. nat.
1988–1989: Military service and Officer School – Prime Lieutenant
1987–1992: PhD study, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
1987: Diploma thesis, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
1982–1987: Diploma study, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland


Professional career
1999–  Professor of Geochemistry, Dept. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
1997–1999: Laboratory Manager, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen
1993–1997: Assistant Professor,Min.-Petro. Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland
1991: Exchange Graduate, Okayama University, Misasa, Japan
1986–1987: Statistics Advisor and Geochemist, TERRACONSULT AG, Zürich, Switzerland


4. Selected funded research (>DKK 500’000)

  • Independent Research Fund Denmark, DKK level 2, 2022-2025; DKK 6.2 million; "Bioproductivity and water colomn redox - linking cadmium and chromium isotopes in marine sedimentary archives to reconstruct climate change"
  • Independent Research Fund Denmark, DFF level 1, 2018-2021; DKK 2.6 million; “Evaluation of cadmium isotopes as tracers of marine bioproductivity”
  • European Commission, Innovative Training Network, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020, 2015-2018, “BaseLine-Earth”, Co-applicant, WP leader, Euro 3.75 million, own share  DKK 1.8 million.
  • Carlsberg Foundation, 2018, DKK 2.0 million; Application for the purchase of a state-of-the art LA-ICP-MS
  • Danish Council for Independent Research, DFF level 2, 2015-2018; DKK 6.2 million; ”Use of redox sensitive isotope tracers in marine and continental rock records to trace paleoenvironmental and climatic changes during the late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian transition”
  • Carlsberg Foundation, 2015, DKK 1.2 million; “Chromium isotopes in Mesoproterozoic carbonates: A novel proxy for assessing the history of Earth surface oxygenation”
  • Carlsberg Foundation, 2012; DKK 2.5 million “Application for the purchase and replacement of thermal ionization mass spectrometer”
  • Danish Council for Independent Research, FNU Big frame project, 2012-2014; DKK 5.7 million; “Development and application of chromium stable isotopes in carbonates to trace climatic fluctuations during major oxygenation periods in Earth’s history”
  • Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation FNU Big frame project, 2008-2010; DKK 3.5 million; “Chromium (Cr)-molybdenum (Mo) and cerium (Ce) stable isotope tracing of paleo-redox processes related to oxygenation events in Earth´s history”
  • Carlsberg Foundation, 2010; DKK 500’000; “Application for the purchase of an ICP-OES facility”
  • Carlsberg Foundation, 2005; DKK 800’000; “Application for a TIMS for isotope-geochemical research”
  • Danish National Research Foundation, 2005-2010; Establishment of a research center of excellence “Nordic Center for Earth Evolution, NordCEE”; DKK 88 million (DKK 29 million to University of Copenhagen, co-founder)
  • Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, FNU instrument center, 2005; DKK 1.5 million; “Application for a new generation TIMS to conduct isotope-geochemical research”
  • SNF (Danish National Research Foundation) frame project; 2001-2007; DKK 1.8 million; “A multi-isotopic and trace element investigation of greenstone belts”


5. Honors and awards

Since 2004: Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters

6. Publication statistics & students supervision

Peer-reviewed journal articles (Web of Science, ISI-registered):  334; Sum of times cites: 18067 (16582 without self-citations); H-index: 75; 17 PhD (each 3 years); 7 Post Doc (each 2 years)

Google scholar statistics:

citations: 18162; H-index: 75

ID: 11756