Welcome to the research group

Land Use, Earth Observation, and Sustainability

We are a multi-disciplinary group of scientists, including geographers, computer scientists and remote sensing specialists.

We investigate complex interactions between land cover and land use, climate, and people to address major sustainability challenges through three major research questions:

  • How does land use/cover change globally?
  • What drives land use/cover changes?
  • What are the sustainability implications of land use changes?

Through research and dissemination, we aim to devise pathways for sustainable development for humans and habitats.























Ongoing Research Projects

The research group is engaged in projects that are funded through national and international grants. Most of the projects are carried out in cooperation with other research institutions in Denmark, Europe, and across the Globe.

The list is organized chronologically, with the most recent projects first:

  • Resilient Ecosystem of Sweden: Promoting Sustainability through Continuous Cover. Forestry and Wetland Rewetting, FORMAS, 2024-2026. PI Stéphanie Horion
  • HEIDA - Reconcilling hydrological and ecological models to understand impacts of increasing drought and aridity, Geocenter, 2024-2025. PI Stéphanie Horion
  • Global Wetland Center, Novo Nordisk Fonden (Challenge program), 2024-2029. PI Stéphanie Horion
  • Climate, Pollinator biodiversity, Crop Pollination and People’s Livelihood, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2024-2029. Co-PI Laura Vang Rasmussen
  • EUROPELAND - Towards Sustainable Land-Use in Europe. EU Horizon Europe 2023-2027. PI Martin Rudbeck Jepsen.
  • ALPMEMA - Alpine Mountain Hay Meadows Management: Best practices to maintain their Favorable Conservation Status against underuse under different property right regimes inside and outside protected areas. Biodiversa+ grant 2023-2026. PI Alexander Prischepov
  • An innovative ‘Forest and Trees Toolkit’ for reducing malnutrition in Africa. ERC POC grant, 2023-2025. PI Laura Vang Rasmussen
  • CLISA - Unravelling climate change impacts on savanna vegetation ecosystems. The Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF; FNU), 2022-2026. PI Rasmus Fensholt
  • Risk-assessment of Vector-borne Diseases Based on Deep Learning and Remote Sensing. Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF), 2022-2026. PI Rasmus Fensholt
  • Draindetect - Mapping drained carbon-rich wetlands. Geocenter fund, 2022-2025. PI Martin Rudbeck Jensen
  • FairFrontiers - Fair for whom? Power, politics and precarity in transformations of tropical forest-agriculture frontiers. Grant from Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan, 2021-2026. PI Ole Mertz and Thilde Bech Bruun
  • DRYTIP - Drought-induced tipping points in ecosystem functioning: Coupled insights from Earth Observation, Dynamic Vegetation Model and Field Ecology. Villum Young Investigator, 2021-2026. PI Stéphanie Horion
  • RurbanClimate - Climate Resilience Across the Rural-Urban Continuum. Research grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021-2025. CO-A Ole Mertz, Laura Vang Rasmussen and Stéphanie Horion
  • AridLand – The response and resistance of global tropical drylands to increasing aridity. ESA CCI Research Fellowship, 2021-2023. PI Christin Abel
  • PerformLCA – High performance land change assessment through coupling of AI, high performance computing and Earth Observation. KU Data+ grant, 2021-2024. PI Stéphanie Horion
  • DeReEco- Combining remote sensing and artificial intelligence to improve current understanding of global change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. Villum Synergy Grant, 2020-2025. PI Rasmus Fensholt
  • TOFDRY -Trees outside forests in global drylands. ERC starting grant 2020-2025. PI Martin Brandt
  • Reinterpreting how forests support people's dietary quality in low-income countries. ERC starting grant, 2020-2025. PI Laura Vang Rasmussen
  • Mapping, characterizing and analyzing individual trees and shrubs outside forests in African drylands.DFF Sapere Aude grant, 2020–2024. PI Martin Brandt

Recently completed Research Projects






















Members of the Research Group

Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Alexander Prishchepov Associate Professor +4535331386 E-mail
Ankit Kariryaa Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535328046 E-mail
Ask Holm Carlsen PhD Fellow +4535325839 E-mail
Bo Elberling Professor +4535322520 E-mail
Cecilie Friis Guest Researcher +4535325843 E-mail
Christin Abel Assistant Professor +4535332467 E-mail
Daniel Ortiz Gonzalo Assistant Professor +4535337652 E-mail
Dimitri Gominski Postdoc +4535323511 E-mail
Emilie Claire Vansant Enrolled PhD Student +4535321251 E-mail
Florian Reiner Postdoc E-mail
Francois Jérome Ritter Postdoc +4535324645 E-mail
Gyula Mate Kovács Postdoc +4591922293 E-mail
Janelle Marie Sylvester PhD Student E-mail
Ke Huang Postdoc +4535326783 E-mail
Kjeld Rasmussen Associate Professor Emeritus +4535322563 E-mail
Konrad Ireneusz Turlej Postdoc +4535326990 E-mail
Kristoffer Ansbak Petersen PhD Fellow +4535337822 E-mail
Laura Vang Rasmussen Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535325860 E-mail
Mansourou Cisse Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Martin Rudbeck Jepsen Associate Professor +4535322465 E-mail
Martin Stefan Brandt Associate Professor +4544164965 E-mail
Maurice Mugabowindekwe Postdoc +4535325087 E-mail
Max Friedemann Gaber PhD Fellow +4535329478 E-mail
Ole Mertz Professor +4535322529 E-mail
Paul Senty Guest Researcher E-mail
Rasmus Fensholt Professor +4535322526 E-mail
Rene Arum Rafael Lee PhD Fellow E-mail
Robert Keppler Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Shengping Ding Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Siyu Liu Research Assistant +4535324732
Sizhuo Li Postdoc +4535322442 E-mail
Stéphanie Horion Associate Professor +4535325878 E-mail
Thomas Alexis Mathieu Boudras Research Assistant +4535323659 E-mail
Tingting Lu Enrolled PhD Student +4535327073 E-mail
Wanting Yang Research Assistant E-mail
Wim Verbruggen Postdoc E-mail
Xaquín S. Pérez-Sindín Guest Researcher +4535328227 E-mail
Xiaoye Tong Assistant Professor +4535331239 E-mail
Xin Xu Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Yan Cheng Postdoc +4535322350 E-mail
Yang Xu Guest Researcher +4535332954 E-mail

Heads of Research Group

Laura Vang Rasmussen
Associate Professor
+45 35 32 58 6
Martin Rudbeck Jepsen
Associate professor
+45  35 32 24 65