Anders Anker Bjørk

Anders Anker Bjørk

Tenure Track Adjunkt

  1. 2020
  2. Udgivet

    Multi-phased deglaciation of south and southeast Greenland controlled by climate and topographic setting

    Levy, L. B., Larsen, Nicolaj Krog, Knudsen, M. F., Egholm, D. L., Bjørk, Anders Anker, Kjeldsen, Kristian Kjellerup, Kelly, M. A., Howley, J. A., Olsen, J., Tikhomirov, D., Zimmerman, S. R. H. & Kjær, Kurt H., 2020, I: Quaternary Science Reviews. 242, 106454.

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  3. Udgivet

    Sea Surface Temperature Variability on the SE‐Greenland Shelf (1796–2013 CE) and Its Influence on Thrym Glacier in Nørre Skjoldungesund

    Wangner, D. J., Sicre, M., Kjeldsen, K., Jaeger, J. M., Bjørk, Anders Anker, Vermassen, F., Sha, L., Kjær, Kurt H., Klein, V. & Andresen, C. S., 2020, I: Paleoceanography. 35, 3, 16 s., e2019PA003692.

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  4. 2019
  5. Udgivet

    Geodetic and model data reveal different spatio-temporal patterns of transient mass changes over Greenland from 2007 to 2017

    Zhang, B., Liu, L., Khan, S. A., Dam, T. V., Bjørk, Anders Anker, Peings, Y., Zhang, E., Bevis, M., Yao, Y. & Noël, B., 1 apr. 2019, I: Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 515, s. 154-163

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  6. Udgivet

    Resolving seasonal ice velocity of 45 Greenlandic glaciers with very high temporal details

    Vijay, S., Khan, S. A., Kusk, A., Solgaard, A. M., Moon, T. & Bjørk, Anders Anker, 1 feb. 2019, I: Geophysical Research Letters. 46, 3, s. 1485-1495 11 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Forty-six years of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance from 1972 to 2018

    Mouginot, J., Rignot, E., Bjørk, Anders Anker, Van Den Broeke, M., Millan, R., Morlighem, M., Noël, B., Scheuchl, B. & Wood, M., 2019, I: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 19, s. 9239-9244 6 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    Greenland ice sheet mass balance assessed by PROMICE (1995–2015)

    Colgan, W., Mankoff, K., Kjeldsen, K. K., Bjørk, A. A., Box, J., Simonsen, S. B., Sørensen, L., Khan, S. A., Solgaard, A. M., Forsberg, R., Skourup, H., Stenseng, L., Kristensen, S., Hvidegaard, S. M., Citterio, M., Karlsson, N. B., Fettweis, X., Ahlstrøm, A. P., Andersen, S., Van As, D. & 1 flere, Fausto, R., 2019, I: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Bulletin. 43, 6 s., e2019430201.

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  9. Udgivet

    Promises and perils of sand exploitation in Greenland

    Bendixen, M., Overeem, I., Rosing, Minik Thorleif, Bjørk, Anders Anker, Kjær, Kurt H., Kroon, Aart, Zeitz, G. & Iversen, Lars Lønsmann, 2019, I: Nature Sustainability. 2, s. 98-104 7 s.

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  10. 2018
  11. Udgivet

    Instability of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream over the last 45,000 years

    Larsen, Nicolaj Krog, Levy, L. B., Carlson, A. E., Buizert, C., Olsen, J., Strunk, A., Bjørk, Anders Anker & Skov, D., 1 dec. 2018, I: Nature Communications. 9, 8 s., 1872.

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  12. Udgivet

    Insights on the surge behavior of Storstrømmen and L. Bistrup Bræ, Northeast Greenland, over the last century

    Mouginot, J., Bjørk, Anders Anker, Millan, R., Scheuchl, B. & Rignot, E., 28 okt. 2018, I: Geophysical Research Letters. 45, 20, 9 s., 11,197-11,205.

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  13. Udgivet

    The deglaciation of coastal areas of southeast Greenland

    Dyke, L. M., Hughes, A., Andresen, C. S., Murray, T., Hiemstra, J., Bjørk, Anders Anker & Rodés, Á., 1 sep. 2018, I: The Holocene. 28, s. 1535-1544 10 s.

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