Eco-innovation Dynamics and Green Economic Change: the role of sectoral-specific patterns

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This paper investigates the features of Green Economic Change process at the meso-level, the greening of industries. We posit that, as for “traditional” innovations, it is possible to identify sectoral eco-innovation patterns and that these represent key but neglected factors in the dynamics of green economic evolution. . The paper represents early speculative conceptual work. We have posited that, as for “general” innovations, it is possible to identify sectoral eco-innovation patterns and that these represent key but neglected factors in the dynamics of green economic chance. The paper identifies seven specific characteristics of eco-innovation which form the basis for identifying 4 core hypothesis which may explain sectoral heterogeneity and identify likely sectoral eco-innovation leaders.
TitelProceedings of R&D Management Conference 2015
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2015
Eksternt udgivetJa
BegivenhedR&D management conference 2015 -
Varighed: 23 jun. 201526 jun. 2015


KonferenceR&D management conference 2015

ID: 354027793