Fostering change to sustainable consumption and production: An evidence based view

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  • Arnold Tukker
  • Sophie Emmert
  • Martin Charter
  • Carlo Vezzoli
  • Eivind Sto
  • Andersen, Maj Munch
  • Theo Geerken
  • Ursula Tischner
  • Saadi Lahlou
This "Note from the field," is an edited version of a policy brief summarizing the key findings from the first half of the Sustainable Consumption Research Exchange network (SCORE!) for the policy programs in the field of sustainable consumption and production (SCP). We recommend a framework for action to change to SCP that mentions the key domains to include food, mobility, and energy use/housing (the last two clearly related to urban development). It should use a systemic perspective on the SCP challenge and differentiate between developed, fast developing, and base of the pyramid economies. SCORE! focuses mainly on developed economics, and here we propose to differentiate between: (1) measures that fit with mainstream beliefs and paradigms. Here, governments could-make operational agreements on implementation of instruments like green public procurement, stimulating ecodesign, etc. (2) Problems where a rough agreement on goals exists, but where change is radical, or means are uncertain, and hence planning difficult. Here, governments could foster visioning, experimentation, and support e.g. international collaboration in leapfrogging programs. (3) Problems that outright clash with the mainstream beliefs and paradigms. Here, governments could foster informed deliberation on the more fundamental issues related to markets, governance and growth. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
TidsskriftJournal of Cleaner Production
Udgave nummer11
Sider (fra-til)1218-1225
StatusUdgivet - 2008
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 354035641