Lunnomidinium scaniense Lindström, gen. et sp. nov., a new suessiacean dinoflagellate cyst from the Rhaetian of Scania, southern Sweden

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The dinoflagellate cyst Lunnomidinium scaniense gen. et sp. nov. is present in the lower part of a thin sequence of Rhaetian sedimentary rocks exposed in the Lunnom Coal and Clay Pit in NW Scania, southern Sweden. It occurs in diverse, Rhaetian palynomorph assemblages, dominated by spores and pollen, but with rare specimens of the dinoflagellate cysts Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica (Sarjeant) Loeblich and Loeblich 1968, Shublikodinium sp. and Beaumontella? caminuspina (Wall) Below 1987. Lunnomidinium scaniense is characterized by an epicystal {tAtItP} archeopyle, a large number of paraplates arranged in seven or eight latitudinal series, and intratabular ornamentation in some but not all of the paraplate series. Thus, L. scaniense is assignable to the family Suessiaceae. Lunnomidinium scaniense can be subdivided into two different morphological varieties, based on the autophragm ornamentation and cyst size.
TidsskriftReview of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Udgave nummer3-4
Sider (fra-til)247-261
StatusUdgivet - 2002
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 290451800