Short communication: a new dataset for estimating organic carbon storage to 3m depth in soils of the northern circumpolar permafrost region

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


  • Gustaf Hugelius
  • C. Tarnocai
  • J.G. Bockheim
  • P. Camill
  • G. Grosse
  • J. W. Harden
  • K. Johnson
  • T. Jorgenson
  • C. D. Koven
  • Peter Kuhry
  • Greg Michaelson
  • U. Mishra
  • J. Palmtag
  • C.-L. Ping
  • J. O'Donnell
  • L. Schirrmeister
  • Edward A.G. Schuur
  • Y. Sheng
  • L.C. Smith
  • J. Strauss
  • Z. Yu
Original languageEnglish
JournalEarth System Science Data
Pages (from-to)73-93
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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ID: 172437596