Thermal maturity of lower palaeozoic shales in north-west Europe - Calibration of proxies

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

The Cambrian to Lower Silurian succession in NW Europe is dominated by organic rich black shales. Shale gas exploration in the area has focused on the Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician Alum Shale, Upper Ordovician (Katian) Dicellograptus/Fjäcka shale and the Lower Silurian (Llandovery) Rastrites shales (Figure 1). Licences have been acquired in Denmark, Sweden and Poland. Thermal maturity of the Lower Palaeozoic shales in NW Europe has traditionally been assessed based on optical properties of vitrinite-like particles in the Alum Shale that supposedly behave in a similar manner as suppressed vitrinite in younger shales with respect to maturation. This study presents a multi-proxy thermal study on a series of naturally matured shale and carbonate samples. It is intended to provide a full optical description of the maceral types present in the shales and to calibrate measured reflectances to other commonly used proxies such as the conodont colour index (CAI), the thermal alteration index of the organic microfossils (TAI) and geochemical changes in the kerogen.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 : Responsibly Securing Natural Resources
Number of pages5
PublisherEuropean Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE
Publication date2012
ISBN (Electronic)9781629937908
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012: Responsibly Securing Natural Resources - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 4 Jun 20127 Jun 2012


Conference74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012: Responsibly Securing Natural Resources
SponsorDong Energy, et al., ExxonMobil, Maersk Oil, Shell, Statoil
Series74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012: Responsibly Securing Natural Resources

ID: 361836950