Nitrogen immobilization could link extreme winter warming events to Arctic browning

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Arctic extreme winter warming events (WW events) have increased in frequency with climate change. WW events have been linked to damaged tundra vegetation (“Arctic browning”), but the mechanisms that link episodic winter thaw to plant damage in summer are not fully understood. We suggest that one mechanism is microbial N immobilization during the WW event, which leads to a smaller release of winter-mineralized N in spring and therefore more N limitation for vegetation in summer. We tested this hypothesis in a Western Greenlandic Low arctic tundra, where we experimentally simulated a 6 day field-scale extreme WW event and 1) used stable isotopes to trace the movement of N as a consequence of the WW event, 2) measured the effect of a WW event on spring N release in top soils in the laboratory, and 3) measured the carry-over effect on summer aboveground vegetation C/N ratio in tundra subject to a WW event. Our results show that soil mineral N released by a WW event followed by soil thaw is taken up by microbes and stored in the soil, whereas vascular plants acquired almost none, and significant amounts were lost to leaching and gaseous emissions. As soils thawed in spring, we saw weak but not significant evidence (P = 0.067) for a larger N release over the first month of spring thaw in Control soils compared to WW event soils, although not significantly. A weak signal (P = 0.07) linked WW event treatment to higher summer C/N ratios in evergreen shrubs, whereas deciduous shrubs were not affected. We conclude that our results did not show significant evidence for WW events causing Arctic browning via N immobilization and summer N limitation, but that we had indications (P < 0.1) which merits further testing of the theory in various tundra types and with repeated WW events. Evergreen shrubs could be especially sensitive to winter N immobilization, with implications for future vegetation community composition and tundra C storage.

TidsskriftSoil Biology and Biochemistry
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This project is supported by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (grant agreement 1059-00003B ). We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Danish National Research Foundation (CENPERM DNRF100). We further acknowledge Research and development projects to future research leaders at FORMAS – Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development grant agreement 2016–01187 and The Swedish Research Council (VR) grant agreements 2020-03209 and 2021-04011. We thank Arctic Station and technician P. Christiansen for collaboration and logistics in performing the fieldwork, and G. Sylvester, E. V. Nielsen, and M. Holm Wahlgren for laboratory analyses.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors

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