Taxonomic reappraisal of the European fauna of the bark beetle genus Cryphalus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae)

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Species in the genus Cryphalus are small and notoriously difficult to identify. Even among the relatively well studied European species, erroneous identifications are evi-dent from literature and in museum collections. These misidentifications relate to the small size and similar appearance of Cryphalus species but they are also a product of insufficient diagnostic characters. This is especially unfortunate since some European species are considered pests. Based on the study of more than 1000 specimens and a thorough literature review, robust morphological and molecular evidence supporting all five hitherto recognised native species of Cryphalus in Europe is provided. A key for the reliable identification of these repetition species including new diagnostic characters recognised for the first time, including those from male genitalia, has been constructed. Each native species is provided with a detailed morphological description and their economic significance, distribution, and ecology discussed. Significant genetic variability is observed between certain clusters that should be further explored in a broader geo-graphic context. Lastly, the need for a taxonomic revision of the genus Cryphalus for the entire Palearctic region due to the presence of many similar looking species which are often confused, thus distorting the knowledge of each species is highlighted.

Sider (fra-til)63-105
Antal sider43
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The part of study of MK was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Re-

Funding Information:
The part of study of MK was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Re-public, institutional support MZE-RO0123.

Publisher Copyright:
© Mathias Just Justesen et al.

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