Computer-based tools
IGN present some of our results of the research on species, seeds and planting in the form of computerbased tools.
As a supplement to our ordinary publication series, we have chosen to present some of our work in a more interactive way, where users have the opportunity to 'browse' the material and identify issues of their particular interest.
- Potential Natural Vegetation of South-Western and Central Kenya (Jens Peter Lillesø)
A tool for the selection of indiginous tree species.
- Useful Tree Species for Africa (Jens Peter Lillesø)
This tool enables you to select useful tree species for planting anywhere in Africa using Google Earth.
- Vegetation and climate change in Eastern Africa (Jens Peter Lillesø)
A high resolution digital vegetation map for land use planning, natural resource management and conservation of biodiversity in Eastern Africa (VECEA).